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Turkmenistan and Huawei Discuss the Future of Digital Education

21.09.2024 | 21:00 |
 Turkmenistan and Huawei Discuss the Future of Digital Education

As part of the Huawei Connect 2024 international forum under the motto "Amplify Intelligence", Deputy Minister of Education of Turkmenistan Azat Atayev held a meeting with Huawei Vice President Liu Gui. The main focus was on strengthening cooperation in the implementation of digital technologies in the country's education system.

The parties discussed the implementation of Huawei digital platforms that will help improve the efficiency of education management, improve monitoring of student performance and improve the qualifications of teachers. Atayev presented information on large-scale efforts aimed at integrating digital technologies into various areas of society. Of particular interest were innovative solutions related to the ethical use of artificial intelligence in education, as well as the Huawei ICT Academy project, which opens up new opportunities for cooperation in the field of information and communication technologies, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan reported.

Liu Gui noted the importance of digitalization of the education system and highlighted key areas such as the use of artificial intelligence, cloud technologies and big data management. The parties also discussed the prospects for implementing joint projects aimed at obtaining international certificates for students and teachers.

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Huawei expressed its readiness to offer its technological solutions for the successful implementation of these initiatives, which opens up new horizons for cooperation between Turkmenistan and one of the world leaders in the field of technology.

The Amplify Intelligence Forum, organized by Huawei, has become an important international platform for discussing current issues in the field of technology. The event brings together experts, scientists and government officials from different countries to share ideas and findings in the field of digital solutions.

This year, the forum focuses on the introduction of innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, into various areas of life, including education. The Amplify Intelligence Forum serves as a platform for establishing international cooperation and partnership, allowing participants to exchange experiences and find joint solutions to current challenges facing modern society.



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