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In Ashgabat, the prospects for further cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank were discussed

20.09.2024 | 20:50 |
 In Ashgabat, the prospects for further cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank were discussed

The possibilities for further cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Islamic Development Bank in areas such as healthcare, energy, and transportation were discussed during the meeting between President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and IDB President Muhammad Al-Jasser on Thursday, 19 September.

The Head of State noted the importance of cooperation with the IDB, which already encompasses more than 20 major projects, and emphasized the priorities of the state policy aimed at strengthening public health and developing clean energy.

The guest expressed gratitude for the opportunity to discuss key areas of cooperation, reaffirming the IDB's readiness to strengthen long standing relations with Turkmenistan, which pursues a constructive policy and implements significant socio-economic transformations.

During the meeting, special attention was given to issues related to the diversification of the energy sector and the creation of multimodal transport corridors. Turkmenistan is ready to consider IDB proposals for participating in projects that facilitate international transport and the development of transport infrastructure, including increasing the capacity of the International Sea Port of Turkmenbashi.

On Friday, 20 September, the President of the Islamic Development Bank, Al-Jasser, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rashid Meredov.

During the negotiations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the importance of developing a Partnership Strategy for Turkmenistan was emphasized. It was also noted that there are opportunities to strengthen effective contacts between the IDB and banks as well as the private sector in Turkmenistan, primarily in the area of financial and credit and advisory services for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

On the same day, the IDB President visited the exhibition of economic achievements of Turkmenistan.

During the visit of the IDB delegation to Ashgabat, negotiations took place between the Bank's President, Muhammad Al-Jasser, and the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Hojamyrat Geldimyradov, as well as the chairman of the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rahymberdi Jepbarov.

The sides discussed cooperation in the spheres of healthcare, telecommunications and infrastructure. Special attention was given to the diversification of Turkmenistan's economy and harmonization of efforts with the national development plan for 2022-2052.

In June 2024, the IDB Board of Executive Directors approved $369 million to finance new projects in member countries. As part of this financing.

Turkmenistan received $156 million for the construction of oncology centers and training of medical personnel. The project aims to increase access to quality oncology services, increasing inpatient care capacity by 33 percent and improving treatment quality for 11,750 patients annually.



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