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Turkmen experts join regional efforts to combat climate change

20.09.2024 | 19:54 |
 Turkmen experts join regional efforts to combat climate change

Turkmen experts joined their counterparts from the region for the 14th Central Asia Leadership Programme for Sustainable Development (CALP), an initiative aimed at addressing pressing environmental challenges, particularly related to climate change and water management. The programme, which took place from September 9 to 13 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, brought together experts, policymakers and young leaders from across the region to discuss innovative solutions and foster cooperation.

One of the key focus areas of this year’s CALP was the impact of climate change on Central Asian glaciers and the associated risks to water security and disaster management. Participants examined the latest scientific data on glacier melting and its implications for regional water resources. The programme also delved into the complexities of water diplomacy, highlighting the importance of transboundary cooperation in addressing shared water challenges.

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Turkmen delegates actively participated in discussions on water management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. Their contributions highlighted the unique challenges that Turkmenistan faces, including the country’s arid climate and the need to balance water needs for agriculture and industry.

The program included a combination of lectures, workshops and excursions. Participants had the opportunity to visit local water supply facilities, including the Big Almaty Lake, the Almaty Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction, the “Kazselezashchita” Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and learn about best practices in environmental protection.

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One of the highlights of the event was a simulation exercise that allowed participants to act as decision makers and experience first-hand the challenges of managing water resources in a changing climate.

“The 14th CALP provided an invaluable platform for sharing knowledge and experiences,” Shirin Zhozhyeva, a representative from Turkmenistan said. “I became even more convinced that solutions to problems, especially climate change, are only possible through joint efforts, with all stakeholders acting together. Discussions on water management are extremely relevant for Turkmenistan as we strive to ensure a sustainable future for our people.”

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The programme was organized by the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) in partnership with a number of international organizations, including the OSCE, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).

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As Central Asia continues to face the impacts of climate change, initiatives such as the CALP play a crucial role in building capacity and promoting regional cooperation. By bringing together experts from across the region, these programmes help develop sustainable solutions to some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.

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Photo: ЦАПЛ

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