Useful articles

How to get your child ready for school after the holidays and improve their sleep?
How to help schoolchildren get ready for school after the holidays and improve the sleep routine of children of different ages? Tatyana Vlasova, a psychologist in the social and pedagogical sphere, answers

Seasonal diseases and how to avoid them
Seasonal diseases are diseases that most often occur or worsen at certain times of the year. This is due to changes in the weather, weakened immunity and the activity of infectious agents. Seasonal diseases include acute respiratory viral infections, flu, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, allergies and others

Heat and safety. Important rules for using heaters
To protect yourself and your loved ones when heating your apartment, follow these rules

Consul of the Chinese Embassy in Turkmenistan: on visas to China in 2024 for Turkmen citizens
Recently, the consul of the Chinese Embassy in Turkmenistan spoke to Orient about the movement of people between China and Turkmenistan, visa policy and legalization of documents.

Extending the life of the engine in a car
Changing engine oil is one of the key car care procedures that helps extend the life of the engine and maintain its efficient operation. In this article, we'll look at the importance of engine oil changes, optimal intervals, and choosing the right oil.

How to quickly ship cargo across Turkmenistan from anywhere in the country
To send small and large cargoes across Turkmenistan, it is enough to contact any of the freight offices of the Turkmenpost postal communication company, which are located at railway stations in all regions of the country.

How to come to an interview and not fail?
An interview is an important stage in the employment process, as it gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills and compliance with the job. However, not being prepared can be a bad experience, especially if you are not very well prepared.

5 simple tips for Turkmen applicants when entering a university
The admission campaign in Turkmenistan started on Monday. 25 universities are ready to accept thousands of high school graduates. This is a difficult period not only for applicants, but also for their parents, who are worried no less, and even more than their children for the process of "turning" a student into a student to be completed successfully.

How can linguists help modern science and the average person? – we are sorting it out
Knowledge of the language as the main means of human communication opens up great prospects for the development of each person. Only applicants entering linguistic specialties do not always understand how great opportunities this knowledge opens up.

How to clean a carpet at home
Wool is the most common material from which Turkmen carpets are made. Wool carpets are durable and high-strength, resistant to mechanical influences, elastic - they return to their original appearance even after impressive loads. But in order for the carpet to serve for a long time, it is necessary to properly care for it.