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How can linguists help modern science and the average person? – we are sorting it out

30.05.2023 | 15:23 |
 How can linguists help modern science and the average person? – we are sorting it out

Knowledge of the language as the main means of human communication opens up great prospects for the development of each person. Only applicants entering linguistic specialties do not always understand how great opportunities this knowledge opens up.

Many people still think that linguists are, at best, those who compose school textbooks on any language, and at worst, just someone like polyglots or translators.

In fact, this is not quite true, or rather, not at all. Modern linguistics expands the boundaries of its knowledge more and more, merges with other sciences and penetrates almost all spheres of our life – if only because the object of its study is everywhere.

To date, statistics show that most professions are based on the basics of such a science as linguistics. To begin with, let's analyze what it is in order to understand its relationship with different professions.

Linguistics (from Latin lingua "language"), linguistics, linguistics is a science that studies a language. This is the teaching about the natural human language in general and about all the languages of the world as its individualized representatives.

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Languages surround us everywhere, and whether we let them into our lives or not depends only on us. It's the same as inspiration – it's everywhere, but we need to notice it and be able to recharge with its vital energy. Here, just the quote will be appropriate:

"Life is a journey, not a destination!"

Learning a language is also a kind of journey that can be inspired by others. We all need motivation at a time when we are discouraged and do not have the strength to move on. Especially if our goal is fluency in the language.

The most important thing is that linguistics helps us to express our thoughts correctly – both orally and in writing. Having a high knowledge of the language, people demonstrate their literacy and can translate texts, thereby causing honor and respect.

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But few people think about how important it is nowadays to speak a second (or more) foreign language! As mentioned above, linguistics is the basis of most professions.

And now let's look at how modern linguistics concerns other areas of human activity.

1. Marketing Linguistics

Any marketing communications specialist should have above-average literacy, a broad outlook and increased cultural competence.

Linguistics is needed in this area not just for the general development of specialists: its various directions can bring scientific tools to marketing, on the basis of which marketing communication technologies can be developed.

As a result, the question of how to communicate with the consumer so that he is interested in buying the product is resolved. All such problems are part of the study of linguistics.

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2. Computational linguistics

One of the most popular and rapidly developing areas of linguistics. Combines the knowledge of linguistics and programming, that is, things that do not combine at first glance!

What is the relevance of computational linguistics?

Let's remember the well-known T9 (a program that makes it easier for us to enter text). And the popular "Alice", or "Ok, Google" – all these speech synthesizers facilitate our actions not only in the professional sphere, but also in everyday life.

3. Cognitive linguistics

Cognitive linguistics is based on the belief that language is closely connected with all human mental and cognitive processes, with memorization, data extraction from memory, and the transfer of information from one brain to another.

Therefore, cognitive linguistics is open to contact with neighboring sciences – psychology, neurophysiology, philosophy, artificial intelligence.

A quote from the ex-President of the Republic of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, will be very useful here:

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"If you talk to a person in a language that he understands, you are talking to his mind. And if you speak to him in his language, then you are speaking to his heart."

Based on everything we have learned about such a concept as linguistics, we can conclude that this discipline itself is multifaceted, and learning a foreign language is not only prestige or profit.

Linguistics, despite the development of technologies, including neural networks, remains not only in demand, but also a necessary science for society, which can meet the needs of modern society in sustainable communication.

This is much more than we can imagine, so we can say with confidence that a

linguist is the profession of the future!

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The trends of such a "future" are also picked up by the Turkmen linguistics science, the main goal of which at this stage of development will be to use language skills in the practical life of a person.

So, this summer, school graduates from all over the country will go to submit documents for admission to the leading universities of our country, which train linguists, translators, teachers and other specialists in the field of language.

Among them is the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages. Dovletmammad Azadi, Makhtumkuli Turkmen State University and Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Sadie.

Everyone should understand that language is not just a tool, but a full–fledged weapon in the hands of a professional. Therefore, a linguist or other specialist in the field of language is a real "sniper", hitting the hearts of thousands of people with one shot.

And I would like to conclude with the following quote:

"Learning a foreign language is an extension of the scope of everything that we can study at all"


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