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Pakistan and Turkmenistan agreed to intensify trade contacts and joint projects

23.07.2024 | 17:10 |
 Pakistan and Turkmenistan agreed to intensify trade contacts and joint projects

Pakistan and Turkmenistan agreed to work together to diversify trade relations, speedy completion of the Transit Trade Agreement and liberal visa policies to facilitate contacts between businessmen of the two countries.

Agreements were reached today in Islamabad during the third round of bilateral political consultations between Turkmenistan and Pakistan, chaired by Deputy Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers Rashid Meredov and Ishaq Dar.

At a joint press conference following the talks, Ishaq Dar said that both sides carried out a comprehensive analysis of bilateral relations in all dimensions and agreed to intensify efforts to expand and deepen cooperation, including in the political and economic spheres, Radio Pakistan reported. “We especially discussed ways and means of developing close economic cooperation in the priority areas of trade and investment, energy, communications and information technology,” the Pakistani Foreign Minister said.


Ishaq Dar invited Turkmen companies to take advantage of investment opportunities in Pakistan. He said that Pakistan's seaports offer the business communities of both countries to explore mutually beneficial opportunities: "We invite businesses and enterprises in Turkmenistan to use the seaports of Gwadar and Karachi for trade connectivity with the Middle East, Africa and other countries."

The ministers agreed to promote parliamentary and cultural exchanges, educational scholarships and people-to-people contacts.

The parties expressed their unwavering determination to implement projects such as the TAPI gas pipeline, power transmission lines and fiber-optic communications. They will not only strengthen the bonds of friendship, but will also become an example of mutually beneficial partnership, Rashid Meredov noted in his speech to reporters.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan also announced the decision to maintain an active dialogue on the creation of international transport routes in order to make maximum use of the transit potential of both countries.



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