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The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting of the Government

15.03.2025 | 06:50 |
 The President of Turkmenistan held a meeting of the Government

On March 14, a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan was held under the chairmanship of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, at which the vice-premiers reported on the work of the ministries and departments under their supervision.

Chairperson of the Mejlis Dunyagozel Gulmanova informed the head of state about the progress of drafting bills aimed at strengthening law and order, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, improving the judicial system, regulating automobile transport and taxation.

Vice-Premier Khodjamyrat Geldimyradov reported on the completion of work on the project "Procedure for Certification of Experts in the Field of Industrial Safety", which was approved by the President.

Deputy Prime Minister Batyr Amanov reported on preparations for the 10th meeting of the Turkmen-Armenian Intergovernmental Commission on Cooperation. The meeting is planned to discuss deepening cooperation in the trade and economic, fuel and energy, financial and economic, scientific and educational spheres, as well as in the field of high technology, sports, culture, healthcare, transport and communications, information systems.

Deputy Prime Minister Tangryguly Atakhalliyev reported on the state of affairs in the agricultural complex, the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns, preparations for the wheat harvest and the upcoming cotton sowing, as well as measures to develop livestock farming.

Deputy Prime Minister Baymyrat Annamammedov reported on preparations for the National Spring Festival and the upcoming nationwide greening campaign.

Deputy Prime Minister Nazarguly Atagulyev reported on preparations for Turkmenistan's participation in the World Expo 2025, which will be held in the Japanese city of Osaka.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Bahar Seyidova reported on preparations for events dedicated to the National Spring Festival - International Day of Novruz.

Deputy Prime Minister Bayramgul Orazdurdyeva reported on the work to send Turkmen youth to study in higher education institutions in Romania in the 2025-2026 academic year.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov reported on the development of Turkmenistan's international cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources and the preparation of a corresponding program for 2025-2030.

Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers Mammetkhan Chakyev reported on the work to develop logistics cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Kyrgyz Republic.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, having heard the reports, approved the proposals voiced and gave the vice-premiers a number of specific instructions on the further implementation of the tasks set. Thus, a wide range of issues related to the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and its international cooperation were considered at the Government meeting.



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