Topical issues of statistics development were discussed at the 56th session of the UN Statistical Commission
11.03.2025 | 00:08 |The 56th session of the UN Statistical Commission, the highest body of the global statistical system responsible for establishing statistical standards, developing internationally agreed concepts and methods, and implementing them at the national and international levels, was held in New York on March 4-7. The session was attended by national statistical services of more than 160 countries, including Turkmenistan, and over 50 international organizations. The session included discussions of strategic directions for the development of statistics at the global level, an exchange of views on key issues of modern statistical development, such as the 2025 system of national accounts, population and housing censuses, data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and labor and employment statistics.
The heads of statistical bodies of the states presented information on the development of national statistical systems, the use of modern technologies, the transition to electronic reporting and the integration of statistical databases. The session provides an opportunity for the heads of national statistical agencies to meet with colleagues from other countries and representatives of statistical services of leading international organizations, including the UN, UNECE, UNESCAP, UNESCWA, the World Bank, OECD, and ILO.
The statistical system of Turkmenistan is being modernized in accordance with global trends with the technical and methodological support of the Statistical Service of the European Union, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations. In January 2025, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, a proposal was approved to maintain statistical reporting based on an improved form of the System of National Accounts.
The State Statistics Committee of Turkmenistan, based on the objectives set out in the Program for the Socio-Economic Development of the Country in 2022-2028, in order to maintain statistical reporting in accordance with the improved version of the System of National Accounts, in cooperation with specialists from international financial organizations, has been working in stages over several years to improve the methods for calculating the gross domestic product and other macroeconomic indicators.
As part of the transition to the improved version of the System of National Accounts, TurkmenStat is modernizing the current methodology of statistical reporting, and several methodological documents based on the improved form of the System of National Accounts have been developed and implemented in statistical work. Also, in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the improved version of the SNA, the software "E-Statistical Reporting and Business Register" was developed and implemented in the statistical system.