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UNESCO Club at the Institute of International Relations of Turkmenistan is holding a competition dedicated to the International Day of Novruz

11.03.2025 | 09:50 |
 UNESCO Club at the Institute of International Relations of Turkmenistan is holding a competition dedicated to the International Day of Novruz

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan at the UNESCO Club "Culture of Peace" is organizing a creative competition "Culture of Peace - Novruz Holiday" dedicated to World Poetry Day and the International Day of Novruz, included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Students and members of UNESCO departments and clubs who are interested in creativity can take part in the competition. To participate, you must provide a video, which can be in any language.

Applications and video materials are accepted until March 20, 2025 (until 16:00) by e-mail

Videos should tell about the history of Novruz and the traditions of its celebration.

-Duration: 2–5 minutes;

-Must contain musical accompaniment or voice-over;

-MP4 format (1920×1080).

Videos must reflect the values ​​of International Novruz Day, such as friendship between peoples, unity and peace. The winners of I, II and III places will be awarded certificates of honor and memorable gifts.

Contact numbers: Aygozel Ovezova: +99362071848; Dzhemile Purdzhaeva: +99365671253

More about the competition



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