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The new Ambassador of Hungary to Turkmenistan officially took office

12.09.2024 | 00:00 |
 The new Ambassador of Hungary to Turkmenistan officially took office

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary Jozsef Rozsa presented his credentials to Chairman of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan Dunyagozel Gulmanova on Thursday, 12 September.

On behalf of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Speaker of the National Parliament congratulated the diplomat on his appointment and wished him success in his work to strengthen friendly relations between the two countries.

The Ambassador stated that he was honored to represent his country in Turkmenistan. Jozsef Rozsa listened with interest to the information on the main directions of domestic and foreign policy of independent neutral Turkmenistan, as well as on the activities of the Turkmen Parliament.

The sides noted that there are ample opportunities for sharing experience in improving national legislation and expanding cooperation between Turkmenistan and Hungary, reported on the website of Mejlis.

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The new Hungarian Ambassador, with residence in Tashkent, was also received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan today. Deputy Foreign Minister Ahmet Gurbanov expressed readiness of the Turkmen side to render assistance and support in carrying out his diplomatic work.

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The interlocutors reviewed the development of bilateral relations in key areas. The leading role of regular summit meetings in the development of traditional relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation was noted, and proposals were made to intensify trade and economic ties, the press release of the Foreign Ministry said.



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