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In 2025, the CIS will complete the development of a model law on AI technologies

12.09.2024 | 15:37 |
 In 2025, the CIS will complete the development of a model law on AI technologies

Next year, the Commonwealth of Independent States will complete the development of a model law on artificial intelligence technologies. BELTA reports this with reference to Sergei Kasanin, Deputy Director General for Scientific Work of the Joint Institute for Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

This law is aimed at unifying the legislation of the CIS countries in this area.

It should be noted that Sergei Kasanin headed the working group to prepare an analytical note on the legal regulation of the use and development of artificial intelligence technologies, which was created under the Council for Legal and Judicial Activities under the President of Belarus.

The group must prepare an analytical note by November of this year. To the President, what will we do in the country in the legal field of AI regulation.

“At the moment, we have already analyzed all the legislation in the world’s largest associations and developed countries, as well as Belarusian legislation,” Kasanin said.



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