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An art project from the Embassy of Turkmenistan with a Belgian performer was presented in Brussels

15.07.2024 | 02:20 |
 An art project from the Embassy of Turkmenistan with a Belgian performer was presented in Brussels

In honor of the 300th anniversary of Turkmen thinker Magtymguly Fragi, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Kingdom of Belgium hosted a presentation of a music video filmed with the support of the embassy in iconic places in Brussels and at the diplomatic mission itself. The video was created for a rap song about Turkmenistan, performed by a young Belgian artist named Tony. 2.JPG

The event brought together representatives of European media, EU institutions, think tanks, ambassadors of friendly countries and other guests. Ambassador Sapar Palvanov spoke about the enormous importance of Magtymguly Fragi for Turkmen culture and national identity, his influence on the spiritual values of the people, and noted the world recognition of the classic’s work. He quoted Magtymguly’s poem “Better” and announced that Tony, inspired by the culture of Turkmenistan, plans to create a song based on the poems of the great poet with the support of the embassy.


An independent researcher on the ecology and history of Central Asia, Daria Soysal, also spoke at the event, who emphasized the authority of Magtymguly Fragi not only for the Turkmen people, but also for the world. She noted that Magtymguly’s works are dedicated to the moral education of a person, friendliness, peace and self-development. Daria Soysal read lines from his work in Turkmen: “Magtymguly, oval özüň düzetgil, Özüňi sen özgelere göz etgil,”. 5.JPG The participants of the event were presented with a music video for the song “Turkmenistan Dreams”. Tony performed a song with a Turkmen flavor, which was emphasized by the telpek and dutar, and for greater immersion, guests were offered to taste Turkmen cuisine. 4.JPG The song, the words of which were written by embassy diplomat Maral Rakhymova, tells about love for the Motherland, the rich cultural heritage of Turkmenistan, its unique nature and hospitable people, about the wisdom of Magtymguly, who has become the spiritual guide of the nation. 3.JPG The clip was posted on the Youtube channel of the Owazymcom platform and can be found at this link.


Photo: from the Embassy of Turkmenistan

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