15.08.2018 11:29

Altyn Ashirova

Together with the RCA-IIS Tokyo design laboratory, the designer and material scientist Jun Ko-mai developed the project "Amphibio" - a kind of lightweight vest printed on a 3D polymer printer that acts as an artificial gills and a breathing reservoir at the same
14.08.2018 13:27

Altyn Ashirova

The bicycle boom all over the world has caused an unprecedented rise in the production of accompanying ammunition: cycling suits, gloves and, of course, helmets. And now the market sees Hövding - a helmet-pillow, which is 8 times safer than a conventional bicycle...
09.08.2018 21:50
Summer Olympic Games 2020 in Tokyo is going to become not only the hottest (meteorologists predict scorching heat), but also the most technologically advanced Games at all. During the Games, to maintain security the system of face recognition will be used. This was stated by repr...
08.08.2018 11:01

Altyn Ashirova

Green housing projects are gaining popularity. That's the suffering from the lack of space New York has its own eco-dwelling. "Tiny House" or "Tiny Lodge" is an experimental living space developed by the United Nations in conjunction with Yale University. "Ti
28.07.2018 20:02
In China's Yinchuan, the world's largest 3D printing factory worth 1.28 billion yuan began to operate. The factory, owned by Kocel Group Limited, employs 12 printers capable of printing 10,000 tons of metal products per year. The plant is a huge room with white walls and ai
20.07.2018 11:59

Altyn Ashirova

Every year on July 21st workers of healthcare and medical industry of Turkmenistan celebrate their professional holiday. Their achievements are presented at an annual industry forum, timed to this day, which is held in Ashgabat at the international level, where
19.07.2018 12:46


A new messenger called "BizBärde" (We are Here) is being prepared for launch in Turkmenistan. The application allowing to exchange messages was developed by Sungat Eseri IE, and at the moment its testing is being completed. The head of the "Sungat Eseri" Eziz ...
15.07.2018 12:12


Toyota has sponsored Energy Observer, the first autonomous ship project. Last July the boat set off on a 6-year voyage to test the efficiency of experimental installations. As part of the Odyssey, it will navigate 50 countries of the world. The boat is currently...
15.07.2018 12:03


Australian scientists developed a new data storage technology involving nano-sized crystals of salt encoded with information. The project was implemented by scientists from the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide, in collaboration with t...
15.07.2018 11:27


Many IT companies in the world are dealing with production of glasses of augmented reality. The first full-fledged product of this kind in the market will be Magic Leap’s first “spatial computing” mixed reality headset, the Magic Leap One Creator Edition, which i...