Uzbekistan to host 1st Central Asian-Gulf Think Tank Forum
28.02.2025 | 18:51 |A meeting between Dr. Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman of the GRC, and Director of the Institute for Strategic and Regional Studies of Uzbekistan (ISRS) Aldor Zaripov took place at the Gulf Research Center (GRC) office in Riyadh. At the meeting, the parties discussed the joint organization of the first forum of Central Asian and Gulf Cooperation Council think tanks ahead of the Second GCC+CA Summit, which is planned to be held in Samarkand.
During the meeting, representatives of leading research institutions are expected to discuss the prospects for multilateral cooperation in areas of mutual interest, as well as develop specific proposals for deepening mutually beneficial partnership. The organization of the forum is aimed at the practical implementation of the initiatives and proposals voiced at the first summit of the heads of state of Central Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council, which was held in July 2023 in Jeddah. At the meeting, the leaders of the countries approved a Joint Action Plan until 2027.
When discussing issues on the global and regional agenda at the meeting in Riyadh, the growing mutual interest of the GCC and Central Asian countries was noted. Based on centuries-old traditions of interaction between the peoples of the two regions, the parties seek to use the significant potential in the sphere of trade, economic, investment, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.
As notes, recently Arab countries have been actively investing in various sectors of the Central Asian states' economies, paying special attention to energy, infrastructure, agriculture and high technology. In particular, over the past ten years, the volume of their investments in the region has grown by almost a third, and exports have increased by more than 30%. In addition to the bilateral track, interaction in the interregional format is actively developing.
Gulf Research Center is a privately funded think tank, training provider and consultancy specialising in the Gulf region. GRC was founded in July 2000 by Saudi businessman Dr Abdulaziz Sager, its current chairman. Dr Sager’s vision was to fill an important gap by producing high-quality research on all aspects of the wider Gulf region, including the six GCC member states, as well as Iran, Iraq and Yemen.
GRC operates on an independent, not-for-profit basis and makes all of its research available to the general public through publications, seminars, workshops and conferences. The Centre collaborates with over 90 think tanks from countries in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Europe and the US.
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