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The path of the wise word gathers friends: the rector of the Moscow Conservatory - about Magtymguly’s anniversary

17.07.2024 | 18:15 |
 The path of the wise word gathers friends: the rector of the Moscow Conservatory - about Magtymguly’s anniversary

Rector of the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Doctor of Art History, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Alexander Sokolov addressed the participants in the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly with a welcoming speech. For Turkmen musicians, the message from the rector of one of the world's leading music universities and the former Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation is a great honor.

The Moscow Conservatory, together with the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Russia, is holding a big concert on August 21 “Truly he became the mouth of Turkmenistan”, dedicated to the 300th -anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi. The concert, which is organized as part of the XVIII festival “Gathering Friends,” will be accompanied by a lecture dedicated to the poetic and spiritual richness of the great poet’s heritage. 17072024-rektor-mgk-mahtumkuli-turkmenistan (2).jpg In his greeting, the rector of the Moscow Conservatory writes that Magtymguly’s poetry occupies a large place not only in Turkmen musical culture. Musicians and composers from different countries turn to it. Among Russian composers, vocal cycles based on Fragi’s words were created by V. Ekimovsky and K. Batashov. V. Soloviev.

Turkmen listeners are well familiar with the works of composer Konstantin Batashov. Lectures and auditions at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva were devoted to his work.

The concert program on August 21 includes world premieres by Russian and Turkmen composers. This is a new composition “Diptych” by famous Soviet and Russian composer, laureate of the State Prize named after M.I. Glinka, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, professor of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, student of Aram Khachaturian Kirill Volkov. Composer Volkov, fascinated by Magtymguly’s poetry, decided to create a vocal work in order to fully emphasize the beauty and melody of the poetic style of the Turkmen classic.

Another premiere of the concert will be Aina Shirova’s romance “Love” to the words of Magtymguly, written specifically for this concert. The romance will be performed by a wonderful singer, owner of a magical voice, Daria Guseinova. The idea was suggested by her colleague, composer Mamed Huseynov, and inspired by a new look at the poetry of the great sage of the East, Aina Shirova composed a romance in literally two days.

Also in this concert, another author’s dedication to the Turkmen classic will be performed - the work “Poem of Fragi” by composer Rovshen Nepesov. 17072024-rektor-mgk-mahtumkuli-turkmenistan (4).jpg

The evening will end with the mono-opera “Monologues of Magtymguly Fragi” by Mamed Huseynov. This opera is distinguished by its imaginative depth, bright national color and requires great skill from the performers. Turkmen listeners are already familiar with the mono-opera - it has been performed on various stages and concert venues. And every time listeners note the richness of melodic material, amazing harmonic content and interesting compositional solutions.

At the concert on August 21, the vocal part of the mono-opera will be performed by Daria Guseinova, a laureate of All-Russian and international competitions, a graduate of Professor R. Lisitsyan.

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In conclusion, it remains to say that we will all be looking forward to this concert and musical premieres! After all, Magtymguly’s poetry became not only a source of inspiration and the birth of new compositions, but also a spiritual thread that connected musicians from different countries.

“The path of the wise word and poetic inspiration of the outstanding son of the Turkmen people extends into the distant future, and the 300th anniversary celebrated today is only a small milestone on this path,” with these words rector of the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky concluded his greeting to the participants in the celebration of Magtymguly’s anniversary, Alexander Sokolov.



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