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The UN has released a special set of stamps in honor of the Year of the Dragon

16.02.2024 | 09:16 |
 The UN has released a special set of stamps in honor of the Year of the Dragon

According to tradition, the UN issued a special set of stamps dedicated to the Year of the Dragon according to the lunar calendar. This was reported by the Chinese international news channel CGTN.

The stamps were designed by Chinese artist Tiger Pan.

As the head of the graphics and communications department of the UN Postal Department, Sergio Baradat, noted, this series of stamps is very successful. What makes it special is the dragon, which is the only mythical animal in the entire Chinese zodiac.

“Our brands are very, very important. I think they are little ambassadors that fit on the corner of an envelope and travel around the world,” he said.

At the end of December of the last year, the UN General Assembly unanimously voted to include the Spring Festival in the official list of United Nations holidays.



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