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DevFest'23 – getting to know the speakers (Issue 4)

15.12.2023 | 01:07 |
 DevFest'23 – getting to know the speakers (Issue 4)

DevFest'23 will take place in a couple of days, and ORIENT continues to introduce readers to the speakers of the long-awaited IT conference. In this issue, you will meet Daniil Maykovsky, Nazar Annanazarov, Sheker Saparova and Emir Hudayberdiyev.

Daniil Maikovsky is a management and marketing consultant with more than 24 years of experience in his field. He is widely known for his expertise in the field of innovative and technological entrepreneurship in Turkmenistan and is the co-founder and director of the Startup Academy business incubator.

Daniel is firmly convinced that the products of the painstaking work of developers should not only reach the intended users, but also ensure a return on investment. Ideally, these products should become the basis of a large and profitable business. This is the essence of startups, and at DevFest'23 Daniel will share his ideas on how to create and develop them.

In his presentation, Daniil will focus on the opportunities available to support the creation and development of startups in Turkmenistan. He will talk about the various features provided by Google, which many may not be aware of. Daniel strives to show how to take advantage of these opportunities and succeed in entrepreneurial endeavors.

If you have ever wondered if you have everything you need to start your own business, or what tools you will need for this, then this is a great opportunity to replenish your knowledge. Don't miss the chance to learn from Daniel's rich experience — join this exciting presentation and find out how you can turn your ideas into successful startups using the tools provided by Google.

Emir Hudayberdiyev is a master of UX/UI design. Having more than 7 years of work experience, Emir worked in one of the largest design studios in Turkmenistan - Caspy Creative, and then founded his own "workshop" called "HOZ Studio".

During his career, Emir realized the importance of design to create successful digital products. Unfortunately, developers often miss this important stage, which can eventually lead to unnecessary hassle and "stagnation" of the project. During his presentation, Emir will tell you how to identify design-related problems and deal with them to ensure the success of any project. If you want to discover the secrets of successful design, this session is definitely for you!

Nazar Annanazarov is a young and talented IT specialist who is passionate about deep learning and its potential for practical application. At the age of just 16, Nazar began freelancing and creating bots for various platforms. Since then, he has been engaged in self-study, enriching his knowledge with the help of educational videos and books. Now he is studying with a specialization in computer technology and continues to hone his programming skills.

Nazar's work in web development is just the beginning of his journey into the world of machine learning and deep learning, where he hopes to achieve real change. His most memorable project involved converting gestures into human language to help people with disabilities communicate more effectively. Now he is eager to share his experience and knowledge with others, especially those who want to learn how to implement deep learning in their work to make it better.

Nazar's talk about the Keras framework and deep learning will undoubtedly inspire and motivate all visitors. Whether you are an experienced professional or just starting your journey into the world of technology, Nazar's ideas will help you understand how deep learning can be integrated into your work to improve productivity and achieve goals.

Sheker Saparova is the co—founder and director of the domestic company Beg Yupek, specializing in the production and export of products worldwide. Sheker is an innovator with a great interest in achieving sustainability and harmony with nature. She specializes in interdisciplinary research that combines theories of cybersecurity and international relations.

Sheker has repeatedly participated in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. She was also a panelist at the Eurasian Dialogue organized in Davos in 2023. Come to her talk called "Neoteric Startup" if you are interested in how to use life experience to create not only a profitable, but also a useful project for society.

This marks the end of the fourth edition of the acquaintance with the speakers of the Developer Festival 2023. Register Come to DevFest and listen to our speakers!

More information about the event can be found on official GDG Ashgabat platform, where you can also subscribe to the newsletter and community updates by creating an account.

You can read about the speakers from previous issues at the following links:
Issue 1 ;
Issue 2 ;
Issue 3

Saparguly Mahtumov

Photo: provided by GDG Ashgabat

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