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Individuals who shaped the future: examples of mastery and courage

24.03.2025 | 19:20 |
 Individuals who shaped the future: examples of mastery and courage

I desire no other fate, for nothing would I exchange That factory gate which led me into the world.

The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the oil and gas sector for the sustainable development of the nation's economy. In his works and addresses, he notes that "the present-day successes of the Turkmen petrochemical industry are the result of the labor of entire generations who laid a solid foundation for future prosperity."

Indeed, the history of oil refining in Turkmenistan is a chronicle of labor achievements, dedication, and professionalism of thousands of individuals who devoted their lives to the advancement of this crucial industry.

In previous articles, we recounted the establishment and growth of the country's oil extraction and refining industries. Every drilling rig, laboratory, station, and plant is inextricably linked to the destinies of those whose labor ensured economic growth: the workers, engineers, operators, shop foremen, and directors. Thanks to their efforts, the petrochemical industry of Turkmenistan has achieved remarkable results, which has strengthened the country's position as one of the leading energy centers in the region.

Today, oil refiners proudly remember those who made a significant contribution to the development of the industry and hold them up as examples for the younger generation. One such distinguished individual was Ashir Ashirov Hallyevich – a man whose career path is a symbol of devotion to his work, professionalism, and patriotism.



Childhood and Youth

Ashir Ashirov was born on March 30, 1923, in the small coastal town of Cheleken (now Hazar). His father, Hally aga, worked as a carpenter at a fishing enterprise. In 1932, the family was transferred to Krasnovodsk, where seven-year-old Ashir began attending School No. 2 named after Magtymguly.

From an early age, the boy was distinguished by his perseverance, diligence, and thirst for knowledge. He dreamed of obtaining an education, but in 1940, after completing eight grades, he was compelled to start working to support his family.


War Years: Trials and Heroism

In 1940, at the age of 17, Ashir found employment at the enterprise of the "Turkmenneft" association in Cheleken. However, peaceful plans were disrupted by the outbreak of war. In 1942, he was conscripted into the army.

He underwent military training at the infantry school in the city of Ordzhonikidze, after which he was sent to the front. Ashir Ashirovich's combat path was fraught with trials. In the fierce battles of the Great Patriotic War, he was wounded twice but returned to the ranks each time.

For the courage and resilience he displayed, he was awarded high state honors:

Medal "For Courage" – one of the first awards bestowed for personal valor.

Medal "For Battle Merit."

Medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad" – for participation in one of the most pivotal battles of the war.

Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945."

In 1947, due to health reasons, Ashirov was demobilized. Upon returning home, he faced the post-war devastation, but, like thousands of other front-line soldiers, he dedicated himself fully to the reconstruction of the country.

Career and Contribution to Oil Refining

In 1949, Ashirov began working at the Krasnovodsk Oil Refinery (now the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries). The plant played a key role in supplying the country with fuel, processing oil into gasoline and raw materials for petrochemicals.

Gifted with natural ingenuity and diligence, Ashir quickly mastered the profession of operator. He not only fulfilled his shift assignments without incident but also regularly exceeded production quotas.

In 1952, he was appointed senior operator.

In 1959, he became a technological unit operator.

The shift crew under his leadership fulfilled their collective socialist obligations and planned targets of the Seventh Five-Year Plan (1959–1965) ahead of schedule, making a significant contribution to the implementation of the national plan for the development of oil refining.

For outstanding achievements in labor, on May 28, 1966, Ashir Ashirov Hallyevich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle."

Leadership and Mentorship

After receiving the highest award, Ashirov did not rest on his laurels. Under his leadership, the shift continued to demonstrate outstanding results.

In the Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971–1975), he was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor for his contribution to the development of oil refining.

He was twice elected as a delegate to the XVIII and XIX Congresses of the Communist Party of Turkmenistan.

He was a member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) / Communist Party of the Soviet Union since 1944.

He received the title of "Honorary Petrochemist of the USSR."

His main achievement was the nurturing of a new generation of petrochemical specialists. He not only passed on his experience but also instilled in young professionals labor discipline, a love for the profession, and a sense of responsibility for results.

Legacy and Remembrance

After Turkmenistan gained independence, the memory of Ashir Ashirovich's labor heroism was immortalized. In the city of Turkmenbashi, the street where he lived was named in his honor.

His life is an example of true heroism, hard work, and dedication to one's calling. He rose from a simple worker to a Hero of Socialist Labor, becoming a legend of the petrochemical industry of Turkmenistan. Today, his name occupies a worthy place among the outstanding figures who made an invaluable contribution to the development of the national economy.

While preparing this article, I had the opportunity to visit the city of Turkmenbashi several times. During each trip and visit to the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries, I was shown documents, photographs, and, most importantly, I spoke with people who warmly recounted stories about the hero of our narrative – Ashir Ashirov.

The Museum of the History of the TKNPZ (Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries) is organized in the Palace of Culture and Sports of the city of Turkmenbashi. In previous articles, we described the unique exhibits that tell the story of the city, the oil refinery, and the residents of this coastal region. This museum carefully preserves photographs from half a century ago.



In these black-and-white and slightly faded snapshots, the photographer captured working moments where Ashir Hallyevich, along with other plant workers, was engaged in the production process.

On the reverse side of the photographic paper, in a quite legible handwriting of an unknown author (or photographer), notes were made describing the actions of our hero. To highlight the labor and extract the scene that the photographer captured fifty years ago, I decided to deviate from the usual format of structuring the article and present these photographs with the inscriptions on the back in a single row.




One of these photographs has a note where Ashir Hallyevich is looking at a valve on a pipe from which steam is escaping, and our unknown photographer wrote: "Steam leak! This needs to be fixed quickly!"

Or, in another photograph: "Senior mechanic Vladimir Ivanovich Seleznev together with Ashirov are inspecting a pump. They discovered that the pump is not being cooled and this needs to be urgently rectified."


Looking at these photographs and imagining the huge workshops of the plants, one involuntarily immerses oneself in that time, where the roar of engines, the noise from steam boilers, pumps and pipes, the clatter of locomotive wheels and signal whistles stood. One cannot help but think that the vocabulary of the senior operator Ashirov was probably more emotional than what the author of these photographs recorded.

To clarify this "historical fact," during conversations with comrades and with the youngest daughter of Ashir Hallyevich, I asked if Ashir aga ever swore in any emergency situations at work or when he was angry about something at home. And I was happily disappointed when all my interlocutors affirmatively and with some reproach replied that Ashir Hallyevich never allowed himself to use foul language and in any situation behaved very достойно (with dignity) and culturally.

Despite the hardships of childhood and youth, the most difficult years of the war, the years of post-war reconstruction, and up to our time, Ashir Hallyevich always remained a Человек с большой буквы (a person of great character).

Information about Ashir Hallyevich is posted on the "Memory of the People" information system, created by the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for the perpetuation of the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland.


In our time the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan continues to develop confidently, implementing the strategic tasks set by the Head of State. The President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, emphasizes in his addresses that "the innovative development of the fuel and energy complex is the most important factor in the economic growth and well-being of the country." Guided by this strategy, Turkmenistan is increasing the capacity of its oil refineries, introducing advanced technologies, and strengthening its position in the global energy market.

The career path of Ashir Ashirov is a vivid example of how selfless labor and professionalism form the basis for future achievements. The memory of such outstanding individuals serves as an inspiration for new generations of oil refiners who, following the traditions of their predecessors, continue to contribute to the prosperity of the country.

Prepared with the support of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" and the Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries


Photo: Архив

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