For a Blue and Green Planet: Joining International Efforts
20.03.2025 | 19:45 |The third ten days of March are marked by a number of events related to ecology and climate, raising awareness of ongoing changes and calling for joint efforts to jointly address modern challenges and problems. March 21 marks the International Holiday of Novruz, when various countries hold events to clean homes and territories, as well as mass planting of trees and shrubs that improve environmental well-being.
The same day marks the International Day of Forests, which are considered the most important ecosystems for food security. In addition, they are a vital source of energy, providing wood for cooking, playing a key role in agriculture, hosting pollinators and participating in soil enrichment, climate regulation and the conservation of biodiversity.
Forest watersheds supply fresh water to more than 85% of the world's major cities. In times of crisis, forests become an economic and food artery, providing up to 20% of rural family income and ensuring healthy nutrition. Protecting and restoring forests is an urgent and necessary task: the well-being of the planet and future generations depends on them, emphasizes.
This year, March 21 will be the first World Glacier Day, proclaimed by the UN. The importance of this day is due to the fact that glaciers are essential for the Earth's ecosystem, acting as critical reservoirs of fresh water and indicators of the planet's health. They provide water to millions of people, regulate sea levels and support biodiversity. Rising global temperatures contribute to the accelerated melting of glaciers, which leads to water shortages, rising sea levels and an increased likelihood of natural disasters such as floods or landslides.
These cascading changes threaten ecosystems, livelihoods and economies around the world, urging everyone to take action to preserve the vital role glaciers play in sustaining life on Earth for future generations. UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization are the lead UN agencies responsible for bringing together international efforts in this existential cause.
This year, “Save Glaciers” is also the theme of World Water Day, which falls on 22 March. On this day, international organizations are calling on us to join forces and put glacier conservation at the heart of our plans to combat climate change and the global water crisis.
The key messages for World Water Day 2025 are as follows:
• Glaciers are melting faster than ever. As the planet warms due to climate change, our frozen world is shrinking, making the water cycle more unpredictable and extreme.
• Glacier retreat threatens devastation. For billions of people, meltwater flows are changing, causing floods, droughts, landslides and rising sea levels, as well as damaging ecosystems.
• Glacier conservation is a survival strategy. We must work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage meltwater more sustainably for people and the planet.
Finally, on 23 March, the World Meteorological Organization annually celebrates the entry into force of the Convention that established it in 1950. The day celebrates the essential contribution of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services to the safety and well-being of society and is celebrated with events around the world. The themes chosen for World Meteorological Day reflect current issues related to weather, climate or water. The theme for World Meteorological Day 2025 is “Together, closing the early warning gap”.