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Ashgabat schoolchildren were invited to the fascinating world of birds

20.02.2025 | 20:20 |
 Ashgabat schoolchildren were invited to the fascinating world of birds

In honor of the International Bird Day, the State Museum of Turkmenistan together with the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly holds competitions among students of secondary schools of the city of Ashgabat in February, dedicated to the theme of birds. On Wednesday, February 19, the State Museum organized a traveling exhibition at secondary school No. 53 of the city of Ashgabat. The exhibition presented 18 species of birds in the form of stuffed animals and photos of 14 species of birds found in Turkmenistan.

The museum's research staff told the schoolchildren about the history of the holiday, about some representatives of birds living in our region, interesting facts from the life of birds. Based on the information provided, a competition was held among the schoolchildren in the form of testing their knowledge of bird species, historical information about birds, and their biological characteristics. 20 schoolchildren who showed the best results in the competition were given the opportunity to get acquainted with the exposition of birds in the exhibition hall of the Department of Nature and Local History of the State Museum, as well as to take part in the second round of the competition.

International Bird Day is an international ecological holiday celebrated annually on April 1 with the aim of preserving the species diversity and number of birds. These birds are an important part of the biological ecosystem. The disappearance of any species can lead to a natural imbalance and bring us closer to an ecological catastrophe.

The idea of holding a single Bird Day belongs to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - UNESCO. As part of the celebration of International Bird Day, libraries and other cultural institutions organize exhibitions, drawing competitions, educational events aimed at environmental education of the younger generation.



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