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The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan diversifies ties with Europe, Asia and Africa

25.09.2024 | 22:40 |
 The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan diversifies ties with Europe, Asia and Africa

Last week, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan became a platform for a number of significant meetings aimed at strengthening international cooperation in the trade and economic sphere.

Here is a short overview prepared on the basis of reports from the press service of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan:

On September 17, a meeting with a delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat. The participants discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation, focusing on the possibility of exchanging experience in such areas as smart cities, green energy and transport logistics. The parties noted the importance of further consultations for the implementation of joint projects.

On September 18, there was held a video conference between the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan and Slovakia, which was also attended by representatives of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan. The participants expressed their readiness to expand trade relations between the two countries located in Central Asia and Central Europe, and discussed the steps necessary to implement this intention.

On September 20, there was held a video conference with the Embassy of the Republic of Ghana, a country in West Africa. Here, the emphasis was placed on mutually beneficial business opportunities, in the context of which Turkmen entrepreneurs were given the opportunity to get acquainted with potential projects in Ghana, and Ghanaian businessmen learned about prospects in Turkmenistan.

These meetings highlight the strategic importance of international cooperation for Turkmenistan, opening up new horizons for economic growth and development. Establishing strong ties with Thailand, Slovakia and Ghana not only expands trade relations, but also strengthens the country's international ties with various regions of the world, which is especially important in the context of global challenges. Such a multilateral approach contributes to the diversification of foreign economic relations and increases the investment attractiveness of Turkmenistan.



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