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Tehran and Ashgabat expand customs cooperation

29.08.2024 | 23:35 |
 Tehran and Ashgabat expand customs cooperation

The heads of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan and the Customs Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran held a meeting on 28 August during the working visit of the Turkmen delegation led by the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Tehran.

During the dialogue, between the heads of customs agencies Maksat Hudayguliyev and Mohammad Rezvanifar, current issues and prospects for cooperation were discussed. Given the positive impact of information exchange on increasing trade turnover between the two countries, attention was paid to the exchange of preliminary data on goods and vehicles, customs statistics and data on commodity prices.

The sides discussed the issue of organizing cross visits to exchange best practices in the field of personnel training, improving their professional level, as well as on the use of technical means of customs control, digital customs, electronic declarations, and the mechanism of electronic information exchange, the Turkmen Customs Service reported on its website.

The parties decided to hold expert-level meetings between the two countries within the next month.

As part of the visit, the heads of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan and the Customs Administration of the Islamic Republic of Iran signed Cooperation Plan for 2025-2026.



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