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Kyrgyzstan plans to launch state cloud storage

13.08.2024 | 10:35 |
 Kyrgyzstan plans to launch state cloud storage

Kyrgyzstan plans to launch the state cloud storage “G-Cloud”, reports the National Agency “Kabar” with reference to the Minister of Digital Development of the Republic Nuriya Kutnaeva.

Previously, all government agencies purchased cloud storage servers for themselves. With the launch of the state cloud storage “G-Cloud”, this will all be on the site of the state data processing center.

The government data center will be opened soon.

Cloud storage is a virtual box for storing data and files on the Internet. You can download documents and other data and access them online. Like regular storage on a computer, cloud storage allows you to work with files: view, edit and delete. But unlike local drives, the data is stored not on the device, but on the provider’s server.

The provider securely stores, maintains, and manages storage servers, infrastructure, and networking. This gives you access to data when you need it, at virtually unlimited scale and elastic volume.

An example of cloud storage is Google Drive, where documents, photos, videos and other files are stored. Cloud storage is also used in business: for example, they store user data, transactions, photo and video content.



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