Concert-dialogue invites Ashgabat residents to join in thinking about time and themselves
15.04.2024 | 01:36 |On Tuesday, April 16, in the Great Hall of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva, an anniversary “Concert-Dialogue” will be held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the remarkable music teacher, associate professor of the department of wind and percussion instruments Berdyniyaz Rejepmedov.
To briefly imagine his rich life path, we will present in fragments several biographical and work “extracts”.
...Berdyniyaz Rejepmedov was born on December 18, 1943 in the city of Kunyaurgench, Dashoguz region. In 1952-1959 he studied at the Republican Music Boarding School in Ashgabat, in 1959-1963 - at the Turkmen State Music College named after D. Ovezov and at the same time worked in the symphony orchestra of the State Philharmonic of Turkmenistan.
...In 1963-1968 he studied at the faculty of orchestral instruments at the Tashkent State Conservatory, and in his free time he directed the amateur orchestra of the Higher Police School there.
...In 1966 he became a laureate of a regional competition for performers on wind instruments of the republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. In 1968, while serving in the army, being a soloist and conductor of the song and dance orchestra of the Far Eastern Military District of Khabarovsk, he received the qualification of conductor of a military orchestra of the highest category.
...After returning from the army in 1969, he began working as an artist in the orchestra of the Turkmen Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Magtymguly, where he worked for more than 20 years.
...In 1972, he was one of the organizers of the department of wind and string instruments of the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute of Arts, which was later succeeded by the Turkmen National Conservatory.
...In 1975-1979 he worked as director of the Turkmen State Music School named after D. Ovezov, in 1979-1986 - head of the department of wind and percussion instruments of the Central Music School No. 1 of Leningrad, in 1987-1992 - director of the Republican Secondary Special Music boarding schools at TNC.
And now, to this dry information, let’s add the statements of his colleagues:
“The performances of Berdyniyaz Rejepmedov as an artistic director and conductor of a brass band are distinguished by figurative emotionality, the brightness of the performance of each work, expressive plasticity of the hands and strong-willed attitude, the ability to convey the idea of the work to performers and listeners.”
“As an orchestra leader, he amazes with his ability to instantly draw up a concert program, knowing by heart the entire repertoire and capabilities of the brass band. When he comes to a rehearsal at the orchestra, everything begins to sound new, creative work is in full swing, without unnecessary fuss he is able to captivate and lead the orchestra - he achieves high-quality learning and performance of a musical composition.”
Here are the memories of TNC teacher, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Mukhametchary Annamyradov: “I remember in early spring, the newly appointed director, a former student of our boarding school B. Rejepmedov, came to our school. By this time, among the musical community he was known as a good teacher - performer, an experienced leader and administrator - an economic worker with an iron grip. He was quite well informed about the problems of school life from the inside, so he primarily directed his efforts to updating the educational process at school and to qualitatively improving the life and well-being of boarding school students.
In a short time, they reconstructed the living rooms in the boarding school, carried out major repairs in the dining room, in the gym, and put all the vital facilities of the boarding school and school in proper order. Soon there were cozy rooms, high- quality furniture, well-equipped halls, classes for individual lessons (so-called rehearsals) where there were good-sounding “Weinbach”, “Zimerman”, “Petrof” - all this was put at our disposal.
Very soon the boarding school became their second home for the visiting children, in which everyone had enough human warmth and participation. In these conditions, those who were obsessed with the desire to learn, grow professionally, who absorbed the atmosphere of creativity that reigned in the boarding school, after many years became good teachers, performers, laureates of national and international competitions, honored artists, winners of government awards - famous people in our country. Thanks to the school, thanks to our deeply respected mentor - B. Rejepmedov.”
At auditions of new works by Turkmen composers at plenums and congresses of the Union of Composers of the TSSR, he performed new works, including: “Sonata” by M. Ravich, “Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra” by Ch. Artykov, plays by A. Agadzhikov, S. Nuryev, D. Nuryev, Ch. Nurymov, N. Khalmammedov, M. Ataev, K. Nazarov, Kh. Magtymgulyev, A. Tagiev, J. Kurbanklycheva.
Director and art director of the Turkmen State Opera and Ballet Theater named after Magtymguly, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan A. Chakanov described Rejepmedov’s performing work as follows: “Great charm, artistic temperament, subtle sense of style, excellent technical capabilities, passion and constant desire for self-improvement are features the performing appearance of a musician."
Rejepmedov was actively involved in musical and social activities, and carried out fruitful work to promote classical music and the work of Turkmen composers. He wrote many scientific and methodological works for music schools and colleges, published collections of orchestral difficulties for wind instruments from operas and ballets, teaching aids for teaching clarinet, numerous arrangements of folk and classical music for ensemble, orchestra and solo instruments, etc.
“Delicate and responsive, energetic and strong-willed, he easily established creative contacts with colleagues, as well as with aspiring young musicians, providing them with practical assistance,” his “brothers in the shop” say about him.
About one hundred of his students now work in the field of culture in all corners of the country and abroad, actively promoting Turkmen professional musical culture. Among them are laureates of national and international competitions and festivals: Aman Potdyev, Rakhman Charyev, Tachmurad Berdyev, Vitaly Petrov, Sergey Malinovsky, Elkhan Agayev, Nariman Guseynov, Shirkhan Batyrov, Khydyr Esenov, Takhir Akhmedov, Ismail Akmuradov, Mikhail Mamedov, Emil Khudyev, Oktay Najafov.
The teacher and head of the department of the SSM boarding school at TNC, Oktay Najafov, recalls: “The atmosphere in the lessons was always business-like, and the friendly and welcoming tone of the teacher was surprisingly combined with strict discipline, which was completely natural to obey.”
His students adopted the main thing from their mentor: his human qualities - openness, sociability, friendliness, passion and efficiency, dedication to music and constant self-improvement; as well as professional ones - bright temperament, beautiful smooth, warm clarinet sound over the entire range, fluency in technique and a large varied repertoire.
Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vakhit Rizaev and Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Serikov recall their studies with the teacher: “Detailed, minute work was always aimed at capturing and building the form of the work to create a bright, memorable musical image. Great attention was paid to creating the necessary sound relationships and sensitive intonation. We always think of our mentor with great gratitude. B.Rejepmedov is a man with a gray head and an eternally young soul of a musician!”
Rejepmedov’s life credo: having thought it through, act! There is no need to be afraid of mistakes, you need to achieve results!
...The program of the “Concert-Dialogue”, which will be held at the conservatory on Tuesday, April 16, will feature works by Turkmen and foreign composers. Including the songs of Veli Mukhadov “Ilki söýgim nirde sen”, Chary Nurymov “Toý aýdymy”, Mered Annamuradov “Keremli söz”, Luigi Denza “On the swing” and such world hits as “O Sole Mio”, “Santa Lucia”.
Arias and fragments from Verdi’s opera “Rigoletto”, from Bizet’s opera “Carmen”, “Hungarian Dances” by Brahms, works by Saint-Saëns, Mendelssohn, Strauss and others will be performed.
Such famous performers as Stella Faramazova, Aybolek Mukhieva, Aina Seyitkulieva, Begench Moshshiev, Rovshen Bayramov, Dovran Gylyjov will perform at the concert.