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Turkmenistan and Afghanistan have extended the contract for the supply of Turkmen electricity

24.01.2023 | 10:08 |
 Turkmenistan and Afghanistan have extended the contract for the supply of Turkmen electricity

Chairman of Turkmenenergo and CEO of Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) signed an agreement to extend the supply of Turkmen electricity to Afghanistan for 2023, TASS reports, citing a message from the Ministry of Water and Energy Supply of Afghanistan on its Twitter page.

For several years, Turkmenistan has been supplying energy at discounted prices to the northern regions of Afghanistan. Tajikistan and Uzbekistan also export electricity to the country.

Turkmenistan plans to increase electricity exports to Afghanistan by 8.7% by 2025. This is facilitated by the construction of new power plants, power lines, modern transformer substations and switchgear.


Photo: yandex

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