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Early presidential elections scheduled to be held in Turkmenistan on March 12

12.02.2022 | 22:48 |
 Early presidential elections scheduled to be held in Turkmenistan on March 12

Early presidential elections in Turkmenistan are scheduled to be held on March 12, RIA Novosti reports citing Bezirgen Karaev, assistant to the chairman of the Central Election Commission for holding elections and referendums.

On Friday, at a meeting of the People's Council (Halk maslahaty), President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov came up with an initiative to involve more youth in leadership positions. The meeting participants supported this proposal, after which the head of state instructed the CEC chairman to carry out the relevant work within the framework of the norms of the Constitution and legislation.

"In accordance with the instructions of the President of Turkmenistan, the country's Central Election Commission has begun preparations for early presidential elections to be held on March 12," RIA Novosti quotes an assistant to the head of the Turkmen Central Election Commission.


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