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Elders supported Berdimuhamedov's decision to actively involve youth in leadership

12.02.2022 | 22:30 |
 Elders supported Berdimuhamedov's decision to actively involve youth in leadership

The honorary elders who spoke at the extraordinary meeting of the People's Council (Halk maslahaty) supported the decision of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to actively involve young people in leadership positions, the Watan program of the Turkmen State Radio and Television reports.

Entrusting the young generation of managers with responsible state work corresponds to the noble traditions of the Turkmen people and will become a new stage in the development of Turkmenistan, the speeches of the elders noted.

After listening to the speeches, Berdimuhamedov instructed the chairman of the Central Election Commission for holding elections and referenda in Turkmenistan, Gulmurad Muradov, to carry out the relevant work within the framework of the norms of the Constitution and legislation.


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