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UIET members strengthen food safety of the country

26.10.2021 | 22:18 |
 UIET members strengthen food safety of the country

In the recent years, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan have essentially increased output of grocery and dairy production on the home market that promoted reduction of its import and strengthening of food safety of the country.

Thanks to new technologies and advanced experience, local business has adjusted manufacture of import replacing pasteurised production - yoghurts, ayran, sour creams, kefir, cheese and others. Now businessmen plan to increase essentially manufacture of cheese, cottage cheese and butter.


One of the main imported goods for Turkmenistan are sugar, margarine and vegetable oil. To lower dependence on deliveries of the given products, entrepreneurs actively work over creation of corresponding industrial objects.

The open-end joint-stock company "Hyzmatdashlar" conducts building of the factory for sugar manufacture in the district of Serdar of Balkan region in which it is planned to produce 120 thousand tons of sugar a year.

The economic society "Begmays" builds the enterprise in which it is annually planned to make 48 thousand tons of margarine. It is planned to put in operation in the first half of 2022 in the territory of the settlement of Gypjak in Ashkhabad.


With a view of reduction of import of vegetable oil, the economic society «Gundogar akymy» has put into operation the factory for sunflower-seed oil manufacture. Located in the district of Bagtyyarlyk of Ashkhabad city the enterprise is designated for output of 7 thousand tons of finished goods a year.

ES «Berkarar zaman» has started the building of the factory for manufacture of vegetable oil and preparation of about 15 thousand hectares of land for cultivation of sunflower and other oil yielding crops.


Today businessmen also carry out agro-technical work on 6 thousand hectares of land in the district of Sarakhs in Akhal region where it is planned to grow sunflower. During the current year, this crop has been planted on 170 hectares for the test purposes.

The economic society «Agzybir ojak» conducts the building of the factory for manufacture of 21 thousand tons of refined vegetable oil in the district of Gokdepe of Akhal region and ES «Ovadan ulke» has put into operation the factor for refining of 6 thousand 260 tons of cotton oil in the district of Ak bugday of Akhal region in Turkmenistan.

The work carried out by UIET members already has led today to essential reduction of import of some kinds of production that promotes realisation of strategy of Turkmenistan directed to the strengthening of food safety.


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