For 11 years Turkmenistan by 6 times has increased expenses on wildlife management
11.02.2021 | 10:14 |In Turkmenistan pay attention to preservation of the environment more and more. The country has increased expenses on the given sphere from 10 million 139 thousand manats in 2008 to 61 million 598 thousand in 2019. The growth of expenses for ecology for 11 years has reached 6, 1 time. ORIENT was informed on it in the State Statistics Committee.
The ecology is an inheritance which we will leave for our descendants. Therefore the country’s government shows care of the future generations of Turkmen nationals, putting more and more material funds in environment protection.
Expenses for protection of the atmospheric air for a specified period have grown by 7, 4 times - from 1 million 521 thousand to 7 million 197 thousand manats. Expenses on protection of environment from harmful influence of the residues of manufacture and expendable materials has grown by 1, 7 times - from 1 million 220 thousand manats to 2 million 90 thousand manats a year.
The ecology is cared not only by state structures and enterprises. The great attention is given to this sphere by private firms as well.
Opening each new issue of the newspaper "Rysgal" which is released by the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, it is possible to find tens of announcements from the private companies offering services for estimation of influence on ecology. This estimation became the obligatory for all enterprises of the country irrespective of their forms of ownership from the date of adoption of the Law on the ecological information past year.
According to the new act all state bodies, legal bodies and businessmen are obliged to give the information on the influence on environment. Since January 1, this year article 7 of the given law - about the State fund of the ecological information also came into force.
The given article orders to create as a part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan new structure which will collect and give on demand of interested persons the information on the ecological condition of those or other objects or in the country as a whole.
All new infrastructural projects in Turkmenistan are realised under condition of observance of modern ecological norms and requirements. As evidence international certificates given out to the industrial enterprises which confirm ecological compatibility of objects put into operation can serve.
For development acceleration in the country of technology of renewed energy sources President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov charged to create this year postgraduate study for speciality of power installation on the basis of renewed kinds of energy in the research-and-production centre «Renewed energy sources» of the State Power Energy Institute.
Turkmenistan also realises one of the ecological projects largest in Central Asia - building and creation of an infrastructure round the lake «Altyn Asyr» in the desert Kara Kum. The given project is of great importance for overcoming of the problem of the Aral crisis, struggle against desertification and saline soils.
The country will involve various strategy of preservation of the environment. Laws are passed, ecological projects are realised, and in this sphere considerable financial assets are put. And it is justified. After all ecological well-being of the country has a huge importance for the future of not only Turkmen nationals, but also inhabitants of the entire planet.