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Time for hydro-diplomacy: Central Asia launches scientific-political dialogue on water

19.03.2025 | 06:10 |
 Time for hydro-diplomacy: Central Asia launches scientific-political dialogue on water

The Center for Strategic Studies of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan took an active part in the Central Asian online meeting dedicated to the comprehensive solution of water policy issues in the region.

The main topic of the expert meeting was the presentation of the concept of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) project “Scientific-Political Dialogue on Water Diplomacy in Central Asia: Promoting Knowledge-Based Scientific Diplomacy”, which was presented by head of the IWMI office in Uzbekistan, Barbara Janusz-Pavletta. The participants of the meeting held a lively discussion, exchanging views on the prospects for its implementation in the region.

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The invitation to participate in the project of such authoritative Turkmen institutes as the Center for Strategic Studies of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Water Management Scientific-Production and Design Institute "Turkmensuvylymtaslama" emphasizes the significant contribution of Turkmenistan to the study and search for solutions to the region's water problems.

The IWMI initiative to launch the project "Scientific-Political Dialogue on Water Diplomacy in Central Asia" is an important and timely step aimed at promoting sustainable development and strengthening good-neighborly relations in the region by intensifying scientific and technical cooperation in the water sector.

The IWMI platform for ongoing dialogue will provide Turkmen specialists with a valuable opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with colleagues from other Central Asian countries and international experts. This will allow for a comprehensive study of advanced approaches to water resources management, water diplomacy and adaptation to climate change. In turn, Turkmenistan is ready to actively share its national experience and developments in this key area.

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The IWMI project covers a wide range of critical aspects of water issues, including the effects of climate change, water quality issues and the ecological state of river ecosystems, which fully corresponds to Turkmenistan's priorities in the field of sustainable development and environmental protection.

The development of strategic policy reviews that take into account the national priorities of the countries of the region also appears to be an important tool for developing coordinated approaches to water resources management.

Consolidation of the efforts of research institutes and political structures of the Central Asian countries under the coordinating role of IWMI will undoubtedly contribute to strengthening regional cooperation in the water sector and ensuring water security in the long term.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov have repeatedly emphasized, Turkmenistan adheres to three key principles in matters of water policy in Central Asia: strict compliance with international law, mutual consideration of the interests of all parties and active involvement of international structures, primarily the UN.

Turkmenistan's participation in the project "Scientific and Political Dialogue on Water Diplomacy in Central Asia" is an important step towards deepening regional partnership and implementing the principles of peaceful and sustainable development in Central Asia.

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The proposed IWMI project, designed for 2025-2029, is aimed at creating a sustainable platform to support regional scientific cooperation in the field of water resources management in Central Asia. The main goal is to develop scientifically based recommendations for making effective political decisions in the water sector.

The presentation of the IWMI project concept was followed by an active discussion. Turkmen specialists, who spoke first, expressed interest in clarifying the mechanism for its practical implementation.

Barbara Janusz-Pavletta listened carefully to all the questions and suggestions, after which it was decided to further refine the concept in close cooperation with specialized research centers of the countries of the region specializing in water management issues and strategic research institutes that influence the process of making key political decisions.

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In the context of the growing acuteness of the water problem in Central Asia, aggravated by climate change, the fair distribution and rational use of water resources is of paramount importance for strengthening regional cooperation.

Understanding the importance of regional water cooperation will bring tangible benefits to the people of Central Asia and will contribute to strengthening interstate relations. In addition, it will ensure constructive interaction between different sectors of the economy and generations, contributing to strengthening peace, stability and sustainable development. Achieving these ambitious goals is impossible without hydro-diplomacy based on reliable scientific data.

Many years of experience of cooperation between the states of the region have already created a solid foundation for further development. However, dynamically changing conditions and the growing need for an in-depth understanding of water-related issues require constant updating of scientifically based data that will facilitate effective interstate interaction and ensure mutually beneficial regional cooperation.

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The formation of a sufficient volume of knowledge necessary for effective hydro-diplomacy should be based on the results of research conducted by national research institutes in the field of water resources and specialized institutes at the national water agencies of all Central Asian states. The development of strategic policy reviews involves such key areas as: identifying priority measures for adaptation to the consequences of climate change for water resources; improving water quality in the interests of the population; ensuring the ecological health of river ecosystems; developing a comprehensive concept of water diplomacy.

The project will be implemented in the format of a scientific and political dialogue with the participation of national research institutes at the Academies of Sciences, water management institutes at sectoral ministries responsible for water resources of all states in the Aral Sea basin, as well as strategic political institutions of all Central Asian countries. Knowledge exchange will be actively supported by regional scientific partners (SIC ICWC, CAIAG, CAREC Institute), acting as executors of regional initiatives and coordinators of the cooperation space. To facilitate the process, it is also planned to involve regional and international consultants.

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The dialogue will be supported by the Blue Peace Central Asia (BPCA) initiative, launched in Central Asia by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in 2017 and renewed for the period 2025-2029. The initiative is implemented by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) with the support of CAREC.

The coordination meeting held online on March 18 with the participation of representatives of all strategic agencies in the region launched a series of meetings on this important expert platform.

The next meeting is scheduled in person on April 9-10 in Tashkent and will be timed to a conference on water cooperation in Central Asia and the role of water diplomacy. A Memorandum of Understanding is also expected to be signed between five strategic research institutes and IWMI.


Senior Researcher, Center for Strategic Studies, IIR, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan


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