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Ashgabat hosts leadership training to improve management skills of civil servants

14.03.2025 | 02:43 |
 Ashgabat hosts leadership training to improve management skills of civil servants

From March 11 to 13, Ashgabat hosted a training session on "Male and Female Leadership: Effectiveness in Interaction" attended by representatives of ministries and departments of Turkmenistan. The event was organized within the framework of the project "Turkmenistan: Trade Sustainability and Integration" funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Trade Center (ITC). The main goal of the training was to develop leadership qualities and communication skills, as well as improve the effectiveness of teamwork management.

A rich program was prepared for the participants, aimed at deepening their understanding of the psychology of leadership, critical thinking and the decision-making process. Lively discussions and interactive self-analysis exercises helped them define their own leadership styles, identify strengths and outline paths for further development. Particular attention was paid to the differences in approaches to leadership between men and women, studying their impact on organizational effectiveness and how inclusive governance contributes to improved public performance.

Practical exercises were an important part of the training, allowing participants to consolidate the theoretical knowledge they had acquired and apply it in simulated work situations. Representatives of ministries and departments learned about public speaking techniques, including rules for structuring speech, aspects of interacting with the audience, and improving presentation techniques.

Team management issues also became an important part of the training: participants learned about methods for building effective communications, interaction strategies, and principles of managing teams in various work situations. Thematic cases allowed them to consider real problems that arise in teams and require certain leadership qualities to resolve them, including motivation management, delegation of authority, and conflict resolution.

This training became an important stage in improving the training of representatives of state institutions in the field of management, as well as the development of leadership qualities taking into account gender aspects, which will allow them to generally improve their management and communication skills in order to increase work efficiency and achieve organizational goals.

About the project

The International Trade Centre is implementing a four-year EU-funded technical assistance project in Turkmenistan, “Turkmenistan: Trade Sustainability and Integration”. The aim of the project is to support the economic development of Turkmenistan, as well as to strengthen trade relations between the EU and Turkmenistan. This will be achieved by increasing competitiveness in trade through an improved business climate. The project aims to promote Turkmenistan’s international economic interaction and its participation in regional and global trade.

Photo: ITC

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