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A milk processing plant to be built in Ashgabat

30.12.2024 | 09:25 |
 A milk processing plant to be built in Ashgabat

A modern milk processing plant is planned to be constructed in Ashgabat, with an annual capacity of 7,500 tons of milk and 1,500 tons of powdered milk. The facility will comply with international standards.

The State Association of the Food Industry of Turkmenistan has announced an international tender for the implementation of this project. The tender announcement was published in today's issue of the "Нейтральный Туркменистан" newspaper.

Tender proposals will be accepted within 30 working days from the official publication date. The technical specifications and application form for the international tender can be obtained from the State Association of the Food Industry of Turkmenistan at the following address: Archabil Shaely, 92, Ashgabat, Office B-327.

For additional information:

Phone numbers: 44-75-48, 44-75-45.



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