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A new textbook for XII grades of general secondary schools has been published

19.10.2024 | 11:21 |
 A new textbook for XII grades of general secondary schools has been published

Recently, a new textbook “German Language (Second Foreign Language)” for XII grades of general secondary schools was published (authors: A. Yazberdiyeva, S. Nazarova, M. Atayeva).

According to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the textbook consists of the following chapters: “Meine Familie und ich”, “Essen und Trinken”, “Bildung in Turkmenistan and Deutschland”, “Meine Heimat und deutschsprachige Länder”, “Natur und ich”, “Kultur und ich”.

The textbook features colorful images that correspond to the topics to be covered. The textbook contains extensive information about traditions and customs, culture, the positive influence of the older generation on young people both in our Motherland and in the country of the target language. The second chapter of the textbook reflects such topics as healthy nutrition and cooking dishes for national holidays. The chapter “Education System of Turkmenistan and Germany” contains information about education levels, choice of profession, necessary skills and abilities to become a well-rounded person, as well as successes of entrepreneurs. The fourth chapter offers information about youth and the care for the younger generation, the responsibilities of youth towards their homeland, and the economic development of Turkmenistan and Germany. Alongside these topics, students will expand their vocabulary and develop skills in proper exposition and writing through the integration of grammatical themes. In the fifth and sixth chapters, students will learn about the policies implemented by Turkmenistan and Germany regarding environmental protection and sustainable practices, as well as explore the national treasures of Turkmenistan that are included in UNESCO's List of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, discussing the positive impact of national cultural heritage on the younger generation. This, in turn, will enhance students' speaking skills and their ability to engage in conversations in German about national cultural heritage.

We hope that the textbook “German language (second foreign language)” for XII grades of general education secondary schools will be of great importance in improving the abilities of students in reading, writing in German, in understanding the question posed, in expressing their own thoughts and free conversation in German, as well as in the study of culture, customs and traditions in the system of international relations.



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