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Inspiration and analysis: The role of musicology in shaping the landscape of Turkmen art

19.10.2024 | 20:30 |
 Inspiration and analysis: The role of musicology in shaping the landscape of Turkmen art

The scientific-methodological conference at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kuliyeva, became a significant event in the field of Turkmen musicology, gathering researchers and musicians for an in-depth discussion of current issues and innovative ideas.

The opening speech delivered by the Head of the Department of Music History Bahargul Yakubova set the tone for the event. She highlighted the main directions of research and educational-methodological work of graduate students, doctoral candidates and degree candidates, emphasizing the significance of their contribution to the development of music science.

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Agajan Achilov, PhD of Art Studies and Senior Lecturer of the Department of Music History, immersed the audience about the peace in interdisciplinary relations, revealing new horizons in modern scientific literature. His colleague, Rovshan Muhammedov, with deep respect for the heritage, drew attention to the continuity of the art of Turkmen Bagshy, emphasizing the work of such masters as Purli Saryev and Ovezdurdy Velmammedov, Odeniyaz Nobatov and Gurt Yakubov, Durdy Muradov and Durnazar Hudayberenov.

PhD student Leyli Seyitkuliyeva, representing the Institute of National Manuscripts, Language, and Literature of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, conducted a thorough analysis of the periodization of Turkmen literature in the XX-XXI centuries. She highlighted the most important milestones and classics such as Nurmuhammet Andalib, Azadi and Magtymguly Fragi, discussing the stylistic features of romanticism, realism and modernism.

Senior lecturer Gozel Magtymgulyyeva shared her vision on the role of musicologists in shaping the modern cultural landscape of Turkmenistan. She emphasized the growing importance of musicology and presented new approaches in training specialists, focusing on the need for a creative approach to the study of music.

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Young lecturer Gulshirin Charyyeva, a PhD candidate in Art Studies, presented a fascinating report on vocal works on the poetry of Magtymguly by composer Chary Nurymov. Analyzing songs and romances such as “Armanym galdy” and “Ýüzüňden”, she revealed a unique synthesis of Turkmen musical folklore and European genres.

The conference took place in a creative atmosphere, where each report was a bright contribution to the palette of Turkmen musicology, combining past and present, traditions and innovations. This event became not only a place for knowledge exchange, but also a platform for inspiration, emphasizing that art always develops in the context of cultural dialogues and mutual understanding.

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Ultimately, the conference not only deepened the knowledge of the participants, but also reminded of the importance of continuing research work in the field of music, where each new perspective opens new horizons for understanding the richness and diversity of cultural heritage.

Mahri Suvhanova, Lecturer at TNC named after Maya Kuliyeva

Photo: ТНК

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