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Robot journalist starts working in Uzbekistan

23.08.2024 | 14:45 |
 Robot journalist starts working in Uzbekistan

In order to provide readers with prompt and reliable information with the introduction of new styles and formats in the media space, the National News Agency of Uzbekistan has created a robot journalist based on artificial intelligence.

A robot correspondent named Sobira Holdarova transmits official information and the latest news in nine languages - Uzbek, English, Russian, French, Arabic, Chinese, German, Spanish, Kazakh. Artificial intelligence will gradually expand the scope of video reporting.

It was no coincidence that the correspondent was given the name Sobira Kholdarova. She was the first female professional journalist in Central Asia and Uzbekistan. It should also be noted that the prototype of journalist Dildora Abdukhalilova was used to create the correspondent.



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