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Tajikistan–Turkmenistan: strengthening bridges of cooperation through business

04.07.2024 | 16:30 |
 Tajikistan–Turkmenistan: strengthening bridges of cooperation through business

An exclusive interview with the Ambassador of Tajikistan to Turkmenistan Mr. Niyatbekzoda Vafo is about the development of bilateral relations in the trade and economic sphere with an emphasis on the private sector of the economy.

For decades Turkmenistan and Tajikistan have built interstate relations based on mutual benefit, respect and taking into account the interests of each other. Today, these ties are reaching a qualitatively new level thanks to the growing activity of business structures of the two friendly states.

During the interview the key areas of trade and economic interaction mainly between the business circles of the two countries were highlighted, the current state of these relations and promising options for their further growth were examined.

Useful resources for Turkmen entrepreneurs doing business with Tajikistan:

  • Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Turkmenistan:

  • The trade portal of Tajikistan ( ) serves as a reliable online platform where entrepreneurs from Turkmenistan can find interested partners and buyers for their products.

  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tajikistan ( ) actively cooperates with foreign companies, holds quarterly press conferences and is always ready to provide partners with the necessary information about Tajik companies and their products.

Reference Information:

In September 2023 the first official visit of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Tajikistan took place, where the Turkmen leader also participated in the Fifth Consultative Meeting of the Leaders of State of Central Asia and visited an exhibition of commodity producers of Central Asian countries.

The visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Tajikistan was marked by the signing of a number of interstate and interdepartmental documents that gave new impetus to the further development of bilateral cooperation, including the private sector of the economy.

During the official visit of the Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty (People's Council) of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Tajikistan this year, another round of the Tajik-Turkmen business forum took place, where the parties held negotiations on a wide range of investment opportunities in both countries, as well as current issues of economic and industrial cooperation.


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