The results of the Kazanforum are summed up
29.05.2024 | 10:44 |On May 14-19, the XV International Economic Forum “Russia – Islamic World: KazanForum” was successfully held in Kazan, which is the main federal platform for building economic interaction between the Russian Federation and the countries of the Islamic world.
The goal of the Forum is to strengthen trade, economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural ties between Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
The forum was covered by more than 870 media from 40 countries. This year, record figures have been achieved.
The event brought together more than 20 thousand participants (23 – 16.2 thousand people) from 87 countries (23 – 80 countries) and 87 constituent entities of the Russian Federation (23 – 86 constituent entities).