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It is intended to develop beekeeping in the Aral Sea region

22.04.2024 | 23:14 |
 It is intended to develop beekeeping in the Aral Sea region

Karakalpakstan is planning to collect honey in the territories previously occupied by the Aral Sea, the information and analytical agency Vestnik Kavkaza reports.

Thus, Aral Sea honey can become a new beekeeping brand. To do this, specialists will grow the honey plant Tamarisk.

“We have already created more than 2 thousand hectares of tamarisk plantations. Let me note that from one hectare of flowering tamarisk you can produce 50 kg of honey. Therefore, starting this year, we will develop beekeeping on the dried bottom of the Aral Sea,” head of the laboratory of the Research Institute of Forestry of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Zinoviy Novitsky said, speaking at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Goodwill Ambassadors of the Aral Sea Region”

Tamarisk is an evergreen, salt-tolerant plant used to stabilize sandy soils. During the flowering period, the branches are covered with pink flowers, which is why tamarisk is also grown as an ornamental plant.



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