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Customs offices of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan are testing a new transit system

20.04.2024 | 19:17 |
 Customs offices of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan are testing a new transit system

A delegation of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan participated in a meeting of the Technical Working Group on the implementation of the pilot phase of the improved CAREC Transit System (Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Program).

The event was held in Tashkent on April 15-16, and was also attended by customs representatives from Azerbaijan, Georgia and Uzbekistan, as well as international consulting experts from the Asian Development Bank, which coordinates CAREC.


The meeting discussed the results of testing an advanced transit system and a draft inter-country agreement on its implementation, which will be presented at the 23rd meeting of the CAREC Customs Cooperation Committee.

Improving the capacity of customs authorities should help to better respond to the rapidly changing trade environment in the CAREC countries and the growing demand from the private sector for better services.

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The development of regional transit trade is one of the priorities of the program, and the launch of an improved transit system to control the movement of goods in transit through the CAREC member countries aims to facilitate smooth trade flows and efficient border crossing in order to strengthen the position of the CAREC region in dynamic global and regional supply chains.



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