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22 documents were signed on the interaction of Turkmenistan with representative offices of UN agencies

18.02.2024 | 20:31 |
 22 documents were signed on the interaction of Turkmenistan with representative offices of UN agencies

On Sunday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a ceremony of signing documents between ministries, departments, public organizations of the country and representative offices of the UN divisions - UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF.

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The complete package consisted of 22 documents. Of these, 10 are with the UN Children's Fund. These are Work Plans for 2024 for the implementation of the UNICEF Country Program for Turkmenistan for 2021-2025.


These plans concern the interaction of the UNICEF office with the State Committee on Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography and the Women's Union; Prosecutor General's Office; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Ministry of Finance and Economy; Ministry of Health and Medical Industry; Ministry of Education; Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population; State Committee on Statistics; Institute of State, Law and Democracy; Office of the Ombudsman.

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UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan Mohammad Fayazi signed work plans with the heads of these departments.


Another 10 documents were signed through the representative office of the UN Development Program in Turkmenistan. In particular, the parties accepted:

changes to the project document “Strengthening the trade potential of Turkmenistan, Phase II”, jointly with the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations;


project document “Promoting the strengthening of the institutional and regulatory environment for the development of financial markets” - with the Ministry of Finance and Economy;

amendment to the project document “Agreement on the procurement of drugs and medical products necessary for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in Turkmenistan” - with the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry;

amendment to the project document “Agreement on the purchase of medical products for the control of infectious diseases in 2021-2023.” - with the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry;


Work plan for 2023-2024 of the project “Promoting sustainable communities to prevent violent extremism in Central Asia” - with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population;

changes to the project document “Single Window for Export-Import Operations” - with the State Customs Service;

project document “Promoting the development of a financial account for the further implementation of the System of National Accounts 2008” - with the State Committee on Statistics;

project document “Support for improving statistics of foreign trade in services, as well as statistical information on the volume of passenger and cargo transportation” - with the State Committee on Statistics;

amendment to the project document “Providing assistance in strengthening the institutional capacity of the Office of the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan” - with the Office of the Ombudsman;


project document “Assistance in building the capacity of the Central Commission for holding elections and referendums in Turkmenistan” - with the Central Election Commission.

Through the UN Population Fund, two work plans have been signed for the period 2024-2025. One of them is to work with the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports under TKM05YTH “Promoting the implementation of the Program for the support and development of physical culture and sports in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025, as well as strengthening mechanisms for youth participation by promoting physical culture, sports, peace and gender equality."

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The second plan is for “Promoting the strengthening of systems and mechanisms for promoting gender equality” with the Institute of State, Law and Democracy.

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On the part of the UN structures, the documents were signed by the acting UNDP representative in the country Tomica Paovic and the UN permanent coordinator in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko.




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