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The President of Turkmenistan received the new German Ambassador

25.07.2024 | 20:45 |
 The President of Turkmenistan received the new German Ambassador

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received on Wednesday, July 24, the new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkmenistan, Bernd Heinze, who presented his credentials.

During the meeting, it was stated that Turkmenistan and Germany successfully cooperate in the political and diplomatic sphere, both on a bilateral and multilateral basis. In the context of trade and economic relations, interaction in such areas as industry, agriculture, banking, and the transport and communications complex was highlighted.

Long-term contacts in medicine and healthcare were cited as an example of effective partnership. The importance of developing cultural and humanitarian dialogue was noted.

Bernd Heinze replaced Michael Bierhof as head of the German diplomatic mission in Ashgabat.

Before that, he held various diplomatic positions, working in embassies and permanent missions of Germany, including in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Great Britain, and Russia. Before his appointment to Ashgabat, he headed the press department at the German Embassy in Moscow.

In Turkmenistan, German enterprises are considered reliable partners supplying sustainable, high-quality products. In 2023, the volume of bilateral trade, according to the German Foreign Ministry, amounted to 220 million euros.



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