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Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari called for expanded communications with Turkmenistan

24.07.2024 | 19:45 |
 Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari called for expanded communications with Turkmenistan

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari called for further expansion of ties with Turkmenistan in all areas of mutual interest.

During a meeting at the official residence of the President of Pakistan in Islamabad - Aiwan-e-Sadr - with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov, Asif Ali Zardari reaffirmed his strong commitment to cooperation with Turkmenistan, saying that relations between the two countries are based on a common vision peace and prosperity in the region. 23072024-zardari-prizval-turkmenistan (2).jpg

He added that the exchange of high-level visits indicates a mutual desire to further strengthen mutual understanding and expand partnerships, according to a release by the Press Information Department of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of Pakistan.

Speaking about the importance of improving ties and communications between Pakistan and Turkmenistan, the President drew the attention of the Turkmen side to the great opportunities of the Gwadar port for the development of regional trade. In his opinion, Turkmenistan can benefit from this port.

During the conversation, the need was emphasized to continue exchanges and dialogue at all levels, to intensify trade, economic, investment and cultural contacts between the two countries, as well as cultural and educational dialogue. In the context of transport connectivity, the importance of building highways and railways across Afghanistan was discussed.



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