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Meredov: Turkmenistan’s foreign policy develops the philosophical heritage of Magtymguly

18.02.2024 | 16:36 |
 Meredov: Turkmenistan’s foreign policy develops the philosophical heritage of Magtymguly

“The conceptual foundations of Turkmen foreign policy can be safely described as a manifestation of the high ideals that Magtymguly advocated. The philosophical part of his work, the voice in defense of peace, justice, humanism, friendship, patriotism, openness and respect for all peoples - all this was included in the genetic code of the Turkmen, became the alpha and omega of their worldview as part of humanity,” the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan said at the international conference “Magtymguly’s Concept of Peace - the Basis of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy.”

The forum, dedicated to Day of Diplomatic Workers, gathered on Sunday at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, employees of the domestic diplomatic service, its veterans, foreign guests, representatives of public organizations, the media, and higher educational institutions.

The conference is dedicated to a large, important and deep topic - the philosophical and ideological foundations of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan in its interconnection with history and the centuries-old traditions of the Turkmen people. And best of all, we find the most bright and vivid expression of these concepts in the multifaceted activities of the great thinker, poet and educator Magtymguly Fragi, Meredov noted.


Expanding this idea in his speech, the minister pointed out that Magtymguly had traveled to many countries. Documents indicate his visits to the territories of modern Central Asia, Afghanistan, Russia, Iran and a number of other states. This left an imprint on his worldview and became the core of his civic position, based on respect for other peoples, good neighborliness and friendship. At the same time, while in other lands, Magtymguly brought knowledge to the people living there about his Motherland, about the Turkmen people, their traditions and customs. There was a process that we call the interpenetration of cultures and knowledge.

“And therefore, it will not be any exaggeration to say that Magtymguly, in this sense, was an outstanding diplomat who made an invaluable contribution to the process of interpenetration of the Turkmen’s own culture with the culture and way of life of other peoples and, at the same time, to the formation of the Turkmen national character, which, throughout its originality, always remained universal to humanity. It is not characterized by ethnic reticence and isolation. On the contrary, it is open, receptive to the world around, combining democracy and tradition, respect for others and own dignity. These qualities were very clearly embodied, first of all, in Magtymguly’s civil lyrics,” the minister continued.

Today, the foreign policy of Turkmenistan is a continuation of its idea and idea of the world, the role of the Turkmen people in it. They, these ideas, formed the basis of the content of the neutrality of the Turkmen state and continue to be a source of wisdom, continuity and, at the same time, innovation and relevance of the political and diplomatic line of Turkmenistan, the diplomat emphasized.


Permanent neutrality, peacefulness, equal, respectful cooperation - reliance on these principles creates ideological and political prerequisites for building a deeply logical, clearly verified trajectory of Turkmenistan’s steps on the world stage, the result of which are innovative initiatives and ideas of the Turkmen state in the field of security, sustainable development, humanitarian and environmental issues, in a number of other important areas.

Indicative in this context, the minister called the proposals put forward by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, including on the formation of a Global Security Strategy, an organic part of which would be the use of the potential of neutrality and preventive diplomacy. “It is natural that such an initiative came from Turkmenistan, a country that has the appropriate internationally recognized legal status,” the minister noted.

The same logic of continuity and humanism follows the initiatives of the national leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to establish a systemic dialogue based on trust and mutual respect as a guarantee of peace, the Foreign Minister noted.


The same logic of continuity and humanism follows the initiatives of National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslakhaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to establish a systemic dialogue based on trust and mutual respect as a guarantee of peace, the Foreign Minister noted.

Turkmenistan’s constant readiness to put its neutrality into the service of peacekeeping and facilitating the launch of negotiation mechanisms in resolving certain controversial situations has earned high praise in the world.

“Our country’s position here is extremely clear and clearly formulated: only in conditions of peace and mutual respect can development and progress be achieved,” Meredov emphasized.

Therefore, Turkmenistan’s diplomatic efforts in the field of security, with an emphasis on the potential of neutrality, are aimed at creating strong prerequisites for a systemic dialogue that takes into account the interests of all its participants, the realities of today and focused on building a stable, long-term and predictable global political architecture.


The principles of good neighborliness, cooperation, mutual benefit in the interests of development and well-being of peoples also underlie the foreign economic strategy of Turkmenistan. Not least on the initiative of Turkmenistan, the dialogue on these important areas at the UN and other forums and platforms has noticeably intensified and is being expressed in real results. Rashid Meredov called the unanimous adoption on December 19, 2023 by the UN General Assembly of two resolutions initiated by our country - on energy and transport - evidence of the effectiveness of Turkmenistan’s diplomatic efforts, understanding of their benefits and compliance with the interests of the world community. Dozens of states co-authored them.

He recalled that at the recent World Government Summit in Dubai, Turkmenistan put forward a number of new practical proposals, in particular, on the creation of an Alliance for Cooperation in Global Energy Security and Sustainable Development, as well as a Global Atlas of Sustainable Transport Connectivity.

“These initiatives of Turkmenistan, in essence, are a harbinger of a new look at the issues of energy and transport cooperation - without dividing lines, discrimination, politicization of ethical processes, giving them a systemic nature and a long-term perspective,” the minister believes.


Turkmenistan also proposed developing a Global Framework for the Transition to a Circular Economy based on the priorities of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. One of the elements of this program is capacity building for the development of national competencies, equal participation of states in global processes of building a circular economy, Meredov explained.

He noted that today new directions are being added to the traditional priorities of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy and diplomacy. This is interparliamentary diplomacy, cooperation on youth and women's lines, partnership in the scientific, educational, and cultural spheres. “They will also take their rightful place on Turkmenistan’s agenda on the world stage in accordance with the conceptual approach aimed at humanizing international relations, bringing people closer together, overcoming barriers of mistrust and alienation,” the minister added.

“Perhaps, to some, the initiatives, ideas and proposals of Turkmenistan will seem too distant - both in time and in content - from the thoughts that Magtymguly expressed three centuries ago. In fact, this is not so - the foreign policy of Turkmenistan, its practical content in a deep, philosophical sense continues and develops the legacy of our national genius,” Meredov said.


Turkmen foreign policy and neutrality are not only political, but also moral categories. This is their strength and attractiveness as an example of a responsible, honest and fair approach to the realities of world politics and international relations, the head of the Foreign Ministry concluded.

Taking this opportunity, he expressed gratitude to states and international structures for supporting Turkmen foreign policy, neutrality, and understanding of its creative essential characteristics.

The minister addressed special words of gratitude to the employees of foreign embassies and representative offices of international organizations accredited in Turkmenistan for their professionalism, friendly attitude, and constant readiness for close constructive interaction with Turkmen partners.



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