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The second graduation of Afghan railway workers who completed a training course in Turkmenistan took place

01.12.2023 | 21:59 |
 The second graduation of Afghan railway workers who completed a training course in Turkmenistan took place

The second graduation of Afghan railway workers took place, who completed an advanced training course at the vocational school of the Turkmendemirellary Agency in the city of Turkmenabat, Lebap region. School graduates were awarded corresponding certificates at the ceremony.

The training course lasted from August 1 to November 30. Today, December 1, young specialists returned to their homeland.

Immigrants from a neighboring country studied the technologies of railway construction and wagon management. The second group consisted of 14 people. The first group of 13 people was trained in Turkmenistan from January 16 to May 15, 2023.

The four-month training courses are organized according to the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Turkmendemirellary Agency and the Afghan Railways Authority in 2021.

At the negotiations taking place these days in Ashgabat between the leadership of the Turkmendemiryollary Agency and the Afghanistan Railway Administration, Turkmenistan’s readiness to train more Afghan students for the railway sector was expressed. In particular, the issues of sending a third group for advanced training to Turkmenabat were discussed.



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