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Tomato products of Turkmen manufcature are in demand in foreign countries

31.08.2023 | 19:10 |
 Tomato products of Turkmen manufcature are in demand in foreign countries

About 27 thousand tons of tomato output of Turkmen production have been exported to neighboring countries since the beginning of the year. Especially among foreign buyers, canned tomato paste under the brand "TERi" of the Economic Society "Ayly ýaz" is in demand, the processing enterprises of which are located in the city of Dashoguz.

The workshops of the plant are equipped with modern technological equipment. For eight months of this year, 215,000 pots of canned tomatoes were produced here, which went to the shelves of local retail outlets and to consumers in foreign countries. In addition, under the TERi brand, during this period, the Aýly ýaz ES produced about 60 thousand cans of apricots, melons, plums, as well as 70 thousand cans of carrots.

Production specialists are constantly replenishing the range of products offered. In local markets you can buy tomatoes in their own juice, homemade tomato in a glass jar, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic and adjika. In addition, the company produces a large number of different juices and syrups - apple, plum, apricot, tomato and others, according to the UIET website.


Photo: UIET website

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