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Talents and fans: a concert of Turkmen musicians was held in Moscow

15.08.2023 | 20:00 |
 Talents and fans: a concert of Turkmen musicians was held in Moscow

The creative evening of Turkmen musicians – the famous pianist Vladimir Mkrtumov and the talented violinist Aybolek Muhiyeva, which was held with great success in the Moscow House of Nationalities in the summer, can be called nothing else but "talents and fans". By a lucky chance, I happened to be in Moscow these days and got to this magnificent concert organized by the Moscow Society of Turkmen Culture. When I saw how the highest musical light of the Russian capital honored and applauded musicians from Turkmenistan, of course, I began to burst with pride.

Vladimir Mkrtumov is a brilliant pianist and musician, a graduate of the Academic Music School at the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory and the Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory does not need a special introduction in Moscow musical circles. He often plays at concert venues in Moscow and, as it turned out, they are waiting for his performances here with great impatience.


The guests of the evening were friends and classmates of the artist, famous musicians, professors and teachers of the Moscow Conservatory and the Gnessin Russian Music Academy, as well as music lovers and music lovers.

The evening began with the works of Sergei Rachmaninoff performed by Vladimir Mkrtumov. The pianist's playing was filled with deep meaning, exciting expression, subtle, exciting penetration and struck with extreme power and at the same time absolute clarity and precision of articulation. The musician seemed to be on the same wave with the sounds embodying the Russian soul, freely and boldly reigned in the ocean of the Rachmaninoff element. The audience enthusiastically applauded the brilliant pianist.


Vladimir Mkrtumov is an Honored Artist of Turkmenistan, winner of the first Prize of the Nury Halmammedov International Competition and other prestigious musical competitions. He is an outstanding teacher who has been working as a senior lecturer of the Special Piano Department at the Turkmen Conservatory since 1997. The artist is actively engaged in creative activity, often performs with symphonic and chamber orchestras of Turkmenistan and tours with solo and chamber programs in foreign countries - Great Britain, Israel, Russia, Armenia and others.


Mkrtumov's local concert schedule is also very busy – performances take place not only in Ashgabat. He often goes on a musical tour of the regions of Turkmenistan, where his listeners and fans are always waiting for him, too.


But let's return to the Moscow House of Nationalities - Vladimir Mkrtumov continued his performance in a duet with Aybolek Muhiyeva, a magnificent violinist, a graduate of TNC and the Gnessin Music Academy. She is a laureate of numerous international competitions and was the first violin in the State Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rasul Klychev.


The musicians presented the works of Turkmen composers Nury Halmamedov and Chary Nurymov to the Moscow public. The compositions sounded bright, colorful and emotional. The music of Halmamedov and Nurymov, which is deeply national, in fact, and international in its impact, is understandable to everyone at all times. It comes from the heart and therefore touches the soul of every listener.


The artists were applauded and given bouquets of flowers – the audience expressed their delight and admiration for talented performers from Turkmenistan.

The concert was over a long time ago, and the guests did not disperse for a long time and shared with each other the emotions and unforgettable impressions that overwhelmed them. The festival of music continued in their soul, and they took with them the pleasant enjoyment of the magical wizarding of great art.

Svetlana KIM

Photo: author

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