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"Alter Sea": recreation in the city pool – as a replacement for the Caspian beach

31.07.2023 | 04:10 |
 "Alter Sea": recreation in the city pool – as a replacement for the Caspian beach

The Turkmen heat favors not only pleasant, but also useful rest by the water. While the daytime temperature rises to 40 degrees, thousands of residents of the capital willingly take the opportunity to go to domestic resorts to get a bronze tan, swim in the sea and other reservoirs. However, for such a "beach" type of recreation, there are swimming pools in Ashgabat itself. 

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Here the pools are presented in a variety of forms: indoor and outdoor, amateur and sports, fresh and salty, in some places you can even find therapeutic ones that are rich in minerals useful for the body. All this, of course, is good. But can a swimming pool really replace the relaxing coolness of Avaza and its beaches? 

The answer depends only on your lifestyle. Bored landscapes and thirst for a "sense of the road", of course, push to go on vacation, buy a ticket to Turkmenbashi and settle in one of the hotels near the picturesque sandy borders of the Caspian Sea. But if everyday life does not let you, desperate workaholics, on a summer trip, then swimming pools are what you need.

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ORIENT has tested how relaxing in a summer city pool will help relieve stress and quench the thirst for sea bathing. One of the capital's hotels became a platform for the "experiment".

1. Going to the pool will cost you from three dozen manats and above per person

Domestic tourists prefer to admire the sea rather than swim in it: attractive slides with pools attract children more than the waves of the gray sea, respectively, and adults follow the preferences of their children. Therefore, it is logical to assume that those who go to the city pool benefit much financially: there are no transportation costs, hotel accommodation costs, etc. 

In a place where you are just a guest of the pool, everything is as simple as possible: you pay for the entrance and the entire recreation area is at your disposal. However, judging by the number of vacationers, residents of the capital have long chosen such forms of leisure.

Here is a small budget island of Avaza, which is not inferior to it in terms of infrastructure, but much cheaper. It is in this place that the realization comes that all the emotions around the preparations for a multi–day holiday at the resort are, of course, good and even entertaining, but it is much easier and more rational to arrange quickly and cheaply the most pleasant episode of it right here and now. 

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2. Advanced service: no need to shop around and bring bulky bags

The first thing you encounter when you come to one of the city hotels is an insulting request to leave the packages with snacks and drinks purchased in advance. By the way, a little later we realized that the towels brought with us were not mandatory – they are given to each guest here.

Ruthlessly destroying food supplies so that they do not deteriorate, you come to a clean and well- maintained place in which there is not a hint of empty bottles and bags on the sun beds or tables: here you already understand the reason for the ban – maintaining general cleanliness.

Another thing that the visitor inevitably faces is a wide service network: food court, waiters, ice cream counters, music… All this brightens up the rest of customers at times. 

The menu offered by the waiter seemed "democratic" to us: the wide choice and cost turned out to be quite tolerable – you can meet with the same price tags in most establishments of the restaurant business.

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The pools here are equipped taking into account different age categories: for both children and adults, and for lovers of the feeling of complete freedom of swimming and spectacular diving, there is a sector where the depth reaches almost two meters. 

3. Pure "neutral" water will help people with various body features relax

Allergy sufferers, people who have unhealthy skin reactions to various chemicals do not have to worry: the water here is fresh, not enriched with any cleaners, and the condition of the pool itself, as can be seen with the naked eye, justifies all expectations. Transparent and soft water does not leave unpleasant precipitation on the skin and does not dry the hair much, which indicates the maintenance of a high-quality level of hygiene.

Here, perhaps, it is worth noting not only the neutralized harm, but also the potential benefits: swimming in the pool helps to burn calories, relieve stress, reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, normalize blood pressure, develop lung function, avoid overheating, and also leave a lot of unforgettable impressions.

In addition, the main value of swimming is its inclusiveness – we are all equal in the water due to its density and the sense of "gravity" that it will bestow on everyone without exception. And this is especially important for people with disabilities.

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4. Relaxing by the pool will introduce you to new people

Games, diving, balls floating in the air and even shooting in the water – all this creates an atmosphere of positive mood. Here visitors understand that no one will look at you with bewilderment if you come to get acquainted, because people near the pool do not have a bad mood. Endorphin allows people to relax, make new business acquaintances, find common ground. Hidden flaws in relationships help compensate for team games, they also contribute to rapprochement.

5. An extensive network of pools for every taste in every point of the city

Now the phrase "go to the nearest pool" seems quite fair if you have a good sense of space: there are really a lot of places where you can swim.

To choose the right one, it is not necessary to look for ratings and reviews in social networks. For a visit to any pool will turn into a pleasant weekend: the vast majority of hotels in the city are well–maintained new buildings with modern infrastructure, this also applies to sports complexes.

And the visit procedure itself and related services are also similar, and the differences are quite insignificant, so you can safely go to any institution. 

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For some, relaxing in the pool leaves indelible emotions that overwhelm throughout the day, for others it becomes a place of relaxation after a working week, and for others it becomes a cozy place where you can be carefree yourself.



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