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Listen to the Camerata and recharge: what is the musical magnetism of the young ensemble

27.06.2023 | 20:12 |
 Listen to the Camerata and recharge: what is the musical magnetism of the young ensemble

To get to the concert of the "Ashgabat Camerata" and the ability to get a ticket for the performance of musicians – for fans this has already become something like passing an exciting quest. As soon as the artists put up a poster of the upcoming concert program, music lovers and fans literally open the "hunting season" for invitations and tickets, having obtained which, then they wait with a sense of the winner and count the hours until the cherished day. The audience expects and anticipates new and fresh musical impressions, with which it charges and "nourishes" itself until the next concert of the young metropolitan group.

However, this has already become a pleasant tradition. Of course, the word tradition implies that it has been developing for many years, however, in the case of Camerata, this, if I may say so, "ritual" was formed in an accelerated, or rather even high–speed mode - in just a year. After all, the ensemble itself appeared 12 months ago and, according to the musical age qualification of the Camerata, "newborn" with a very transparent, clear and sonorous voice, which in such a short time fascinated a whole army of sophisticated listeners and fans who, not without pleasure, have already tightly "hooked" on the refined musical repertoire of the group.

The next, sixth concert of the Ashgabat Camerata, with which the composition will celebrate its first birthday, will be held on July 2 at the capital's Vatan Cinema and concert hall. The artists also called the performance program symbolically - "One year is like one day" and will present to the audience the best works performed at the concerts of the ensemble during the season. And about a hundred of them were executed during this time.

So what is the secret of the success of Camerata Ashgabat? Perhaps it is in the multigenre and boldness of the musicians to experiment and create the most incredible musical projects, making the orchestration of works from classical to rock and in the ability to masterfully play these compositions in their unique "Camerata" manner.

— And this manner, or rather, style, is set by the musicians of the composition, each of whom is a talented artist by himself, a soloist by nature with his own individual and unique performing "handwriting". At the output, such a unique collaboration gives a bright, virtuosic and at the same time very aesthetic and refined sound, said Bahram Dolyev, a gifted musician, violinist and artistic director of the composition.

— The difference between the Ashgabat Camerata and other ensembles is rather in emotionality. Oriental musicians have always been considered more temperamental and everything they "serve" to the public is first passed through the heart and soul, so the performance and sound turns out to be special. Camerata artists are no exception – they capture every nuance of the composition and very technically emphasize every note on the page," the violinist continued.

The musical preference of "Camerata" is serious classical works. The performers make a kind of homage to the Turkmen school of composition – in each concert program there are compositions by Recep Rejepov, Nura Halmamedov, Rovshen Nepesov, Mammad Huseynov and others.

Now the musicians of the composition are working on reviving the repertoire of the "String Quartet" named after Nura Halmamedov, which shone during the Soviet era and was considered one of the best ensembles of the Union. Very soon, the concert program of the Ashgabat Camerata will be decorated with the "Quintet" by Recep Rejepov, the "Quartet" by Nury Halmamedov, as well as nonets, septets and other beautiful compositions by famous Turkmen authors. Then these works will be included in the musical album "Camerata Ashgabat", which the artists plan to record in the near future.

All this will be a little later, and now the musicians are excitedly preparing for the upcoming concert, where musical and vocal compositions that are already familiar and beloved by listeners will sound, and there will also be a premiere performance of several works that claim to receive commendable reviews.

The concert will take place on July 2 in Ashgabat at the Vatan Concert Hall at 18:00.

Gulya Geldyyeva

Photo: Bahram Dolyev

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