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Captivating plein air: dialogue in art brings peoples closer

20.06.2023 | 23:20 |
 Captivating plein air: dialogue in art brings peoples closer

An exhibition of students of the higher creative school, who worked with the American artist Aimee Erickson on the technique of the plein air, opened in the gallery of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan on Tuesday. The week-long workshops were held as part of the arts exchange program implemented with the participation of the U.S. Embassy in Turkmenistan. The exposition brought together artists, employees of diplomatic missions and international organizations, as well as students of the State Academy of Arts.


The exhibition was opened by the Charge d'affaires of the U.S. Embassy, Vaida Vidugiris, with an introductory word. In her speech, the diplomat stressed the importance of creative interaction and noted that art, as a universal way of expressing thoughts, is able to overcome cultural differences, breaking down language barriers and promoting mutual understanding between people.


— Today, enjoying the works of these talented Turkmen students, I want to celebrate the power of cooperation and exchange of experience in art. It plays a key role in cultural exchange, mutual respect and understanding between peoples," Vidugiris said.

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Then the Chairman of the Union of Artists of Turkmenistan Charymyrat Yazmyradov and Vice-Rector of SAAT for Scientific Work Nuryagdy Yagshimuradov made greetings. Turkmen masters also noted the importance of art as the main connecting component between different cultures and traditions.

IMG_20230620_160540.jpg — We are very glad that we had the opportunity to cooperate with a world-class professional. We hope that Ms. Erickson and other masters will visit Turkmenistan again, and we will be able to work with a master of this level again in the future to develop the skills of talented Turkmen students.


After the opening remarks, a surprise awaited the guests – on behalf of SAAT, the globally renowned artist was awarded an honorary certificate and a sculpture of the Ahal–Teke horse, one of the symbols of the Turkmen people.


Thanking all those present, the organizers invited the guests to evaluate the paintings of the most talented students who participated in master classes with the Oregon artist. The exposition was presented with hundreds of the best works made under the guidance of a specialist from the USA. In an interview with ORIENT correspondent Aimee Erickson noted:


— When I arrived in Turkmenistan, I had no forecasts: I did not know what level of training the local students had, and therefore did not know what to expect. However, when we got to work, I was just amazed: they began to look for a suitable angle with great enthusiasm, expressing natural light with jeweler's precision with paints. I am unfamiliar with the local training program, but their skill level is just excellent. This exhibition is the result of their diligence. Previously, I had the opportunity to visit lots of plein-air exhibitions, but this one is one of the most outstanding. I am glad that I had the opportunity to work with such promising artists!


The students themselves were delighted with the intercultural collaboration:


— She exceeded all our expectations! Recently, a French video art specialist visited us, and we also expected something unusual from the artist from the USA. Everyone liked the workshops, Ms. Erickson explained everything very clearly. In general, art is a language for which no translator is needed: everything can be told with a brush. Working outdoors is radically different from the situation in the studio: in the open-air, the artist does not build a composition, but only depicts the full versatility of natural light and shades, limiting self only to the time before sunset. Artificial light cannot be compared with natural, and this is clearly seen in the work itself. Learning from such a master is an invaluable and unforgettable experience for us.


For a long time, the guests could not tear themselves away from the realistic sceneries of the capital's alleys and images of the urban landscape. The students themselves looked through their paintings several times, remembering a week of diligent practice. By the evening, the exhibition hall was empty, but not for long: throughout the next day it will be open to lovers of art who want to get to know the plein air technique better.


Saparguly MAHTUMOV

Photo: author

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