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Young talents from all over Turkmenistan performed from the stage of the Mukam Palace in Ashgabat

28.05.2023 | 17:35 |
 Young talents from all over Turkmenistan performed from the stage of the Mukam Palace in Ashgabat

A concert of Turkmen and world classical music was held at the Mukam Palace of the National Cultural Center on Saturday. The organizers have done a great job, a lot of effort has been spent, all opportunities have been used to hold the event at the most decent level. And all because it wasn't just a concert.

...Long before the beginning, the audience began to gather in the hall of the palace, everyone wanted to take the best seats in the hall, because today not just artists were performing, children were performing. Moms, dads, grandparents, friends and classmates all came to support the young performers.

Finally, the doors of the hall opened, the audience took their seats. Under a flurry of applause, the orchestra and soloists of the choir took the stage. There was an exciting atmosphere of celebration in the air. The audience could not sit still: everyone was looking for their best, most talented, most beloved among the artists. Finally, the lights were dimmed and the concert began.

Under the leadership of the chief conductor of the State Symphony Orchestra Rasul Klychev, performed by the Youth Symphony Orchestra, the united choir and soloists, the performance was solemnly opened by the song of the composer Jemal Reyimova on the poems of Akmurad Rejepov "Turkmenistan". The composition "Oguzlar" for the symphony orchestra of composer Aman Agajikov under the baton of conductor Guvanch Saparaliyev also supported the set tone.

One by one, performers came on stage, who, despite their young age, performed like real professionals that evening. Guys from all over the country came to share their skills with the audience, to show their talents. They passed a strict selection before they got on the stage of the capital's Palace of Mukam.

Also this evening, M.Annamuradov's "Elegy" performed by Shaberdi Yusupov from the Ahal region, D. Nuryev's "Prelude" performed by a third-grade student of Ashgabat, Sara Baymuhammedova, a trombone concerto (soloist Dovran Gylyjov, a student of the Maya Kulieva Turkmen National Conservatory) were performed from the stage.

Johann Strauss's waltz "Blue Danube" performed by the orchestra and third-grade piano student Yana Hydyrova, tenth-grade students of the dance department of the Special Music Boarding School at TNK Leyli Shalyeva and Batyr Annagulyev literally fascinated the audience, who moved to the beat of the music.

And this is not the only dance surprise: the audience was presented with Dmitry Shostakovich's "Dance with Umbrellas" with soloists of dance department students Ayshat Rejepova, Nazli Hojamova and Kerven Mergenov, as well as Astor Piazzola's "Libertango" performed by Arslan Sharipov (accordion), Seyran Ataniyazov (violin) and 11th grade students Aygul Altyyeva and Hojamurat Orazov (choreography). All the dance numbers were performed accompanied by a youth symphony orchestra.

This evening, music from all over the world sounded from the stage, starting with classics and ending with modern compositions. The audience was delighted by the compositions performed by a, capella and accompanied by piano by children's choral groups of music schools from Mary, Lebap regions. The guys performed songs in different languages. The festive atmosphere of the concert was not interrupted for a minute, the whole program was performed with a bang.

Especially touching were the songs "Mama" by Gavrilin, "Winged Swing" by Krylatov, "Song of the World" by Michael Jackson in three languages performed by the united choir, soloists and orchestra. At the end of the holiday, all the participants of the concert performed the song "Şöhrat saña Türkmenistan".

The audience did not let the young artists go for a long time. And the guys themselves were in no hurry to leave the stage: everyone wanted to take a picture for memory with the conductors, organizers, someone exchanged souvenirs, dictated phone numbers to each other and exchanged addresses, so that later, after everyone left for their regions, they would definitely keep in touch.

The children were overwhelmed with emotions, many eyes were filled with tears of joy and at the same time light sadness of parting, because during this time the guys became very friendly. And of course, no one was left without a souvenir of this great event – a celebration of art that unites everyone. And that childhood is a wonderful time when you can dream and believe that everything will come true. After all, children are the main dreamers who show us, adults, by their example that life is beautiful.


Photo: author

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